Chapter 2

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I don't own Hetalia, it's characters, or you

*Your POV*

Everyone gave me odd looks for the rest of the day. Some people looked at me like I was insane. Others seemed to slightly admire what I did before. I payed it no mind, I was just glad the day was over. However, I couldn't help but think about the curious look on Lovino's face earlier. I'm not that interesting really. I just did what I thought was right.

"Oh well, thinking about everything isn't going to do much, may as well head home". "Umm.. I-I just wanted to say what you did before was really brave." I hear whispered behind me. I turn around and see Matthew, one of the people that most don't take the time to notice. It's kind of sad really, he seems like a nice enough person. "It was nothing, but I should really be going." "Oh, okay bye". So I head off to the torture that is my house.

My mom isn't home for right now, so I suppose I should enjoy the silence, and lock the door. Definitely lock the door. I feed my dog and do all the homework I have. What's taking my mom so long anyways? Probably some sports event that my sister has. I'm just glad I didn't have to go. Cars make me kind of nervous. Too many idiots on the road that could kill you and not even mean to. That's why I like to walk places far more than riding or driving. It's not like I'll refuse a ride if I really need one, but it doesn't matter if it's raining or anything. I'd more than willingly still walk. I actually quite like the rain.

My mom and sister come inside announcing we were having burgers for dinner. Which means I'll have to break a bit off of mine to make sure it's actually soy. My mom wasn't too keen on the idea of me becoming a vegetarian at first, so I never knew when she might try to trick me into eating meat. That might sound a bit paranoid, but it's possible. After dinner I take a shower and head off to bed, not like I've got anything better to do. "I hope that things change. This endless cycle of days seems to never end". My dog just cuddles up to me and looks at me with such soulful eyes. Its as if (he/she) was trying to tell me that it would get better. This is why I love animals so much, even if you don't say anything they know when you are hurting. They always try to make you feel better too. Hopeful thoughts, thoughts of change were the last things I thought of before falling asleep.

*Timeskip to morning*

The same thing as always: get up, get dressed, grab my stuff, and leave. The weather was rather cold actually, it felt really nice. At least nothing bad was happening, right? Well, repetition in itself is sort of bad, so I can't say nothing bad happened. At the very least it's extremely boring. When I get to school people are all still looking at me because of what happened yesterday. It was nice not being invisible for once, but I'm not exactly comfortable being in the spotlight of things. Next thing I know Lovino pulls me aside, away from all the stares. I was about to say thanks, but then he started scolding me. "What did you think you were doing idiota!? That stunt yesterday could've gotten you hurt!" "I couldn't just stand there and do nothing! Raivis needed help and it was pretty obvious that nobody else was going to do anything." I snapped back. Again with the shocked face, really? Just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I'm not capable of defending myself. I don't just do things on a whim. I always have a reason.

Lovino sighs. "Just be more careful. Your going to get yourself into trouble." he says with a faint blush. I chuckle a bit. His tsundereness is adorable, so I decide to tease him a little. "Aww, how cute. You actually care." His face flames up "N-No I don't idiota!" he says as he storms off. I giggle a bit as I finally get to class. Maybe, just maybe things will be a bit more interesting from here on out.

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