Chapter 3

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I don't own Hetalia, it's characters, or you.

*Your POV*

School has been pretty uneventful so far, aside from all the stares of course. The look Ivan has been giving me today is starting to concern me a bit, though. Even if he isn't publicly violent, it still makes me nervous. Ivan is pretty intimidating when he wants to be. His aura is something else, extremely creepy. That and the feeling of being watched constantly is enough to creep just about anyone out. I'll have to watch my back on the way home. Ivan could very well try to follow me and beat me up or something along those lines, so that I don't mess with him again. The good thing is that Ivan doesn't really have any friends so he can't get them to gang up on me. The bad thing is that I'm not a very athletic person, or a fighter in the slightest. Meaning that even if he follows me alone, I'm done for.

Oh well, think positive thoughts, right? It's too bad that isn't exactly my forte, I've always been kind of pessimistic. With my awful luck though, it's hard to blame me. If enough bad things happen to one person it's only natural that they'd come to expect the worst.

*timeskip to gym*

We had to play dodge ball today of all days? It's not that I don't like  , but Ivan is in my class.... and on the opposite team. So I have a feeling I'm going to have quite a few dodge balls come my way, rather forcefully. I'll have to focus on dodging like a maniac for sure. No time for catching and throwing. Lovino is in my class as well, actually this is really the only class we have together. I think he can tell I'm sort of worried, and he seems to be as well. He keeps sending me concerned glances when he thinks I'm not looking. At least he's on my team, and not the other one as well. I don't think my comment before really made him mad, per say, but still one can never be too cautious.

*Romano/ Lovino's POV*

(Y/n) seems to be pretty worried about this match. I told her that she could've gotten hurt by doing what she did and now the idiota notices? Helping Raivis was slightly admirable, but it was also pretty risky. That ragazza has a really bad habit of getting into trouble doesn't she? I really shouldn't care, but for some reason I feel like I need to protect her, dammit.

*Your POV & timeskip to near the end of dodge ball match*

As of right now it is me and Lovino against Ivan. I've done very good not to be hit so far, since Ivan always aimed for me, as expected. I'm really glad that I'm good at dodging, otherwise I would've been hit by now, and trust me Ivan isn't throwing them weak, at all. It would hurt like hell to get hit by one of those things. Lovino and I make a pretty good tag team I must say. Most of Ivan's attention is on me, so Lovino can focus on throwing dodge balls at him. I almost cheered when Ivan got hit, almost. I was just immensely glad I didn't have a giant dodge ball shaped bruise anywhere.

Now I just have to hope that Ivan doesn't try anything on the walk home. Walking makes me an extremely easy target. I could always run though, right? Who am I kidding? With fifty something pounds of books and school supplies on my back and my lacking stamina, I'm as good as dead if he follows me.

*timeskip to after school*

As I begin the walk home I can't shake the feeling of being followed. I really hope that it isn't who I think- no, know- it is.

*Romano's POV*

Wait, the ragazza walks home? That's not safe... especially at the time. When I catch a glimpse of Ivan following (y/n) I start to panic. I'm not strong enough to beat him on my own, so I'll have to suck up my pride and get someone to help, and fast. The first person I saw was Ludwig, dammit it just had to be the potato bastard didn't it? As much as I'll hate doing this, I don't have much of a choice right now. "Oi, potato bastard you remeber the girl that stood up to Ivan?" " Yes, vhy?" "W-well.. I'm pretty sure I saw Ivan start to follow her." "VHAT!?" "Exactly what I said, dammit! Now are you going to help me get the idiota out of this mess or what?" "Vell.. fine."

*Your POV*

I know I'm not just being paranoid at this point. Ivan is definitely following me, seeing as I've caught a few glimpses of him. There is no way I can make it home before he catches up to me, it's still about ten minutes away from here, and he's gaining on me fast. I gulp and begin to hope that I'll live to see tomorrow.

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