11. I Don't Spar; I Kill

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 "Okay, so what do I do?" I asked. I looked over to the muscly girl on the side of the mat. We were currently in the training room. I would have otherwise have left as soon as we finished dinner but the Alpha insisted I stay to 'test out my skills'. Whatever that means.

 "The first one to get the other onto the floor wins. Remember this is just sparring, don't physically hurt your opponent. This is a friendly match," the Alpha spoke. His voice bouncing off the walls.

 I looked around the hall to see loads of werewolves who have come in just to watch.

 I swallow and a high-pitched whistle pierces my ear. In seconds I take out the handgun from my boot and hold the opponent at gun point. Before she could even take a step, her jaw drops and she sticks her hands up in surrender.

 "Whoa. What are you doing Charlotte?" Alpha's confused and shocked voice reaches me.

 "I shoot her. She hits the floor... I win. I would actually shoot, but you said not to harm her, right?" I say.

 "No, that's not how it works. This requires no weapons."


 "Because this trains us for moments when we don't have weapons," I could sense the weariness in his voice but I still pressed on.

 "That's impossible for-"

 "Just put all of your weapons on you in this tray," he pointed to the tray the size of a piece of paper.

 I smugly walked over and removed the two knives from my boots, the gun strapped to my thigh, the dagger snuggled in my bra and many other bits and bobs. The tray was overflowing my my little babies.

 "So, Charlotte, when you saved Fern, how did you...kill...the Blood Wanderer?"

 I nodded as the scene played in my head. "Well I shifted as I ran through the woods. I pounced on the guy, I think he was in wolf form and tore out his throat with my teeth."

 "Without him fighting back?" Alpha asked, a hint of awe in his voice.

 "I didn't give him time too." 


                       ๑۩ ӇƛƤƤƳ ƝЄƜ ƳЄƛƦ!  ۩๑


 We quite 'sparring' since I didn't really understand the concept. When he asked if I've ever fought someone, I answered, "Not really. I shoot, they die. Game over."

 After Josh's dad sighed a number of times, he said, "Kyle! Bring out the gun training equipment!"

 Who I assumed was Kyle, jumped up from the bench lined against the wall and stuttered, "Ah... Yes sir!" He walked over to the door and with the help of others they set up targets for me.

 They were silhouettes of people with a red point on the forehead and the heart.

 "Guns are your favoured...weapon?" He asked.


 I walked over and grabbed the gun without the silver bullets, which were hard to come by, and took a spot on the floor.

 "Right. Charlotte, take a few steps away from the boards. When I say, shoot."

 I did as I was told. I pricked up my ears, listening out for him to shoot.

 "S-" Before he could even finish the word, a hole was burning were the dot had been in the head. People jumped from the noise but I barely moved. I had gotten used to the sound; it was like second nature.

 There was silence.

 This went on for a while and I never missed. I grew faster as I shot. Knowing that he took a sharp breath before he spoke, a bullet sliced through the board before he could utter the word.

 This happened again but further away.

 Each bullet that pierced the same place, I took a few steps back.

 And another.

 And another.

 I soon ended up at the back at the hall and faced my back on the target. There was a hush in the hall. I was quite sure that everyone was here, watching. They were aware not even a professional could shoot a handgun accurately over a few feet. This hall was over thirty metres long. This was a fairly large pack as well.. Over four-hundred.

 Four-hundred I would have to look after.

 I shook the thought away from me and listened for that breath.

 He took the breath and I took mine.

 Ring. Ring

 I blinked as I felt my pocket vibrate. I put the gun down and took the call, wondering who it could be. No one really called me at all. It made me wonder why I had a phone in the first place.

 "Lottie! I-I can't do it!" Hannah took a deep breath and hiccoughed before sobbing into the phone. I crossed the room and replaced all of my weapons.

 "I gotta go," I said as I covered the mic to talk to Alpha before taking off. I was gone before he could stop me. I scanned the areas as Hannah took deep and shaky breaths. "What's wrong Hannah?" I asked.

 Hannah was some girl I helped. She was basically the only friend I had. She was a bit like me. She was a rogue. Well not by her choice, actually kind of by her choice, but it wasn't much of a choice...

 I met her while she was getting kidnapped by a few Blood Wanderers. They wanted to hold her ransom but Hannah informed me that she was an orphan with a little sister. Her pack refused to get her back and after I rescued her, she went back. Feeling angry at the pack for their lack of compassion, she took her sister, Georgina and became like me; a rogue.

 She know works as a waitress and looks after her little sister of ten in a crappy apartment above the diner.

 "He left me!" She choked out. I stopped from my hurrying and frowned.

 "What?" I was beginning to get really confused.

 "He said that I-I was f-frigid," and then she broke down in tears.

 I swallowed and looked back at the hall, there was sounds of training. It seems they didn't really miss me. Great.

 I hadn't seen Josh coming after me, that was..different. I shook my head and concentrated on my friend.

 "What do you mean? Have you been dating?" 

 "Yeah. You know, I just got bored and-and I met this guy," she laughed bitterly and sniffed. "And I thought he was nice and we started going out."

 "How long?"

 "Two months. He d-dumped me because I wouldn't give it up to him," she took a sharp breath and sniffed.

 "Hannah, Hannah. Why would get yourself into this if it's not going anywhere?" I shook my head and couldn't help but feel both exasperated and sympathy for my friend. Then I felt bad for feeling exasperated.

 I can't get anywhere with these emotions!

 She didn't answer my question. "I wouldn't give it up, because, you know, like, I'm still waiting for my-"

 "Mate," I finished for her. I could her taking deep breaths to calm herself. "Do you want me to come over?" I asked.

 I could ruffling and knew she was nodding her head. I hung up after making arrangement and felt Josh walk up beside me.

 "So... Who was that?" He asked in a sing-song voice.

 "My friend, get your bags. We're going on another road trip," I said, I wasn't quite sure that Hannah would appreacate two guys coming along. Though she hadn't spoken to any werewolves other me in a long while. Plus, though I wouldn't admit this to anybody, I just wanted to spend more time with Josh.

 "Alright!" He pumped his fist in the air. I only rolled my eyes in response.

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