Im sorry im so inactive

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Hey guys, sorry I'm so inactive. My plan was to finish this series within 3 books. I don't know if I can stick to this plan. I try to stay on task but idk. I start things and I never really finish them until I feel like it. I want to start a new series but I know that will be unfair to 1. The readers and 2. The book series itself. With that said, I am going to ATTEMPT to get as many chapters as I can out and running. My love for the fandom is slowly dying and I need help FAST. That's what's been making me unmotivated and not making chapters. I am also getting into a different genre of writing, realistic fiction. So, making these kind of fan fictions is getting quite difficult for me. But this little thanksgiving break I will have some time to dedicate to writing chapters for this book. I also am doing a video "book" on YouTube. My channel is called OhMy!Assassin and I'm making this series called Riptide that also has been taking up my time. But like I said, I will finish this book and finish the last one. I was also thinking about making Harry Potter One shots, Twilight One Shots, and a new series I'm making on the sims 3 machinima XOXO that will be out as soon as I finish season 1 of Riptide. Thank you all who have been waiting for this book and sticking with it for this long!

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