Chapter 7

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Mitch and I got out of his car and stepped into the parking lot that was packed with other vehicles. Earlier, Mitch had told me that he needed to stop by the mall to buy something and he said that he wanted me to come with him. So there we were, and I had no idea what he needed to get.

Mitch and I had been living together for about two weeks now. He was a pleasure to spend time with and I was content remaining in the confines of his small flat. Years of living in the basement of my parent's home, locked away from the world, contributed to a rather introverted nature. I was pleased to be inside, allowing the world to continue on while Mitch and I bonded inside. I learned that he was a student, though he did most of his education from his computer. His college allowed him to take his courses online which he said he preferred to sitting in massive lecture halls in a sea of other students. At times he would disappear, leaving the TV remote in my hands for an hour or so while he did his online school work. However, when he was gone the TV remote was left seemingly forgotten as we sat close to one another and discussed the world. 

Mitch was always amazed y how limited my knowledge of the world was. He relayed news stories to me and allowed me to take a look at his school textbooks. He was a History major. I admired the way his eyes lit up when recalling important events of the past that shaped not only the country, but the entire world. I listened to him for hours. He told me stories of his years in school, of old friends with whom he hadn't seen since he graduated high school. He immersed me in his music playlists. introducing me to artists such as The Beatles, Nirvana, Pink Floyd, and Led Zeppelin. Mitch was the doorway to a world I had been deprived of my entire life and each time he spoke, my breath hitched. Sometimes, he tried to pry into my life. Mitch would try to press me for details on what my school days were like. Of course, I brushed it off, claiming that my stories would bore him. Though, in reality, I had no school days to tell him of. No good friends or memories to recall. My parents home schooled me up until a few years ago when they seemingly gave up on it. I figured my education only went as far as perhaps the tenth or eleventh grade at best. 

I'd only been to the mall a few times in my life, which is when Clara needed a school outfit for kindergarten and she demanded that I go with her. When my entire wardrobe was too small for me, my mother would force me to try on clothes, of her choosing, to see if they would fit. Those were the only times. So I hoped that today would be a good day.

Mitch opened the door for me and I murmured a "thanks" before walking through.

"So... What do you need to get?" I asked and gazed around at the different stores on this floor, this mall had three floors and about a hundred or so different stores. My eyes fell upon shop mannequins sporting tasteful outfits and stores advertising sales.  

"Actually, we are here for you. I noticed you needed clothes so we are here for you." Mitch told me with a sly smile on his face.

"But you said that you needed something." I objected. I disliked the idea of Mitch spending his money on me when he was already doing so much. 

Mitch shrugged his shoulders, "I knew that if I told you I was taking you shopping, you would just say no, so I lied."

I had to admit, he was sneaky, but just because we were here didn't mean I would buy something.

"No, you don't have to buy me things." I said firmly, Mitch pouted like a child being denied a toy.

"How about an early Christmas present?" Mitch suggested with his smile still plastered to his face.

I laughed at this, "Mitch, it's July!"

He frowned playfully as I reminded him the Christmas was several months away, "Okay, how about a really early Christmas present?"

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