Chapter 14

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When I got home, I thought I was going to be sick after seeing Clara in such a state, when I was serving her and the rest of her daycare in the diner, she looked like she was frightened of everyone except for me.

I later learned, that the daycare had decided to go to the diner as a field trip.

After seeing Clara like that, I knew I had to save her, and in order to do that I needed to get her from daycare before mom and dad did.

"How was work?" Mitch asked when we got home and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"It was good." I say slowly, then I add, "I saw my sister."

Mitch stops what he is doing and looks at me worriedly, I am very familiar with this look by now. It is kind of sad.

"Were your parents there too?" He asks. I shake my head and tell him about Clara and her daycare, and talking to Clara, and finding out that she is being abused.

However, I left out the part where I broke down in the middle of the diner.

"I have to help her." I say and he nods his head in agreement.

"I was thinking that tomorrow, we just go to the daycare and pick her up before my parents can. Then we can kind of, I don't know, take care of her." I tell him and hope that he will agree, because I cannot just leave her like that again.

Now that I have the chance, I should help her, because last time, I abandoned her.

"Okay, tomorrow we will do that. But are you sure she is being abused?" He asks, I can tell he doesn't doubt what I saw, Mitch just isn't the type of person who enjoys causing trouble. And we are about to cause a lot of trouble.

"Yes." I state firmly and he nods, I'm so glad he is on board, otherwise I'm not sure I would be able to do this. I'm not kidnapping Clara, she wants to live with me, I think. And if she asks, I will reluctantly but surely return her to my parents.

I tried to contain the buzz of excitement growing in the pit of my stomach, tomorrow would be the say I was reunited with my little sister, who I swore and failed to protect.

Hopefully by doing this, I can make it up to her. Maybe when she is old enough to understand why I did what I did, she will know that I never meant to leave her. It was simply due to poor planning that I couldn't bring her along. I should've tried to get some money together, figure out a place to go, then maybe I wouldn't be making plans with Mitch to get her.

"I just feel so terrible for leaving her." I whispered only loud enough for Mitch to hear, he looks at me with sympathy and I begin to wonder what his family is like. Does he have siblings?

I could ask him, I've always wondered what it was like to be loved by the people who brought me into this world, even if it was an accident and they didn't want me.

I always dreamed of having a loving and supportive mother, even if my father still was how he is, I always wanted a mom who I could giggle about boys with and go clothing shopping with.

"Mitch, what is your mother like?" I ask, I couldn't help it, I needed to know.

"My mom?" He seems taken aback by the my sudden interest in his mother. "She's just like any other mom. Over protective, loving, she was always there for me." He replies.

His voice echo's in my mind, "She's just like any other mom." My heart sinks a bit and I suddenly regret asking. Of course, my mom isn't like that.

But aren't I getting a bit to old to be thinking about my mommy? I'm 18 after all. I'm legally an adult.

"You should meet my mother sometime." Mitch says suggestively and I look at him in shock.


"Yeah! I'm sure my parents would want to meet my new girlfriend." He says proudly and I suddenly feel very good. If Mitch and I were to get married, I would have a mother in law! And a father in law! But Mitch and I were not getting married anytime soon, we might never get married.

Who knows? Something might happen between us in the future. But I deeply hope that nothing bad does.

"We could visit them the day after tomorrow, when we get Clara all settled. Which reminds me..." Mitch says trailing off and he pulls a piece of paper from his back pocket.

It is a flyer and as my eyes scan the flyer I notice it is promoting a sale on beds, specifically children's beds.

"I know my apartment isn't really big enough for her to have a big bed or even a room, but I figured we could get Clara a cot or something so she has a proper place to sleep. And if things go smoothly, one day we can buy a house big enough for a family."

I am literally speechless, we've only been together for a few days and Mitch is already planning our future together. He seems so eager about having Clara come to live with us too. And I couldn't be happier.

"Mitch, thank you so much for being there and helping me with all this." I gush and plant a soft kiss on his lips.

"Anything for you, babe. I can't wait for tomorrow, we can go shopping for Clara and then pick her up. It will be so great." He said and for a moment he sounded like the father I wish I had. So enthusiastic about seeing Cara and raising her, even when she wasn't even his child!

I stare at Mitch's kind brown eyes, I owe him so much, but I know that if I ever try to repay him he will refuse to take it.

Why can't there be more people like him in this world? I think to myself. Maybe it would be less dark.



I know exactly what your thinking,

"Goddammit, Red! You update late and the chapter isn't even that good!"

Sorry :3

And before you get mad about the slow update I will offer you one excuse:

I'm extremely busy with exams.

Yeah, I know exams suck but we all gotta do them so I'm just trying to do as well as possible which means studying.

But I promise the next update will be more eventful and I PROMISE to upload it tomorrow sometime.

Thank you for your patience, you are all beautiful people.

Comment, vote, and fan! <3 Thanks for reading.

- Red xx

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