Chapter 22

378 22 1

Riley's POV

The damp basement sent chills through my aching bones and stiff muscles.

It was dimly lit but I knew these surroundings all too well, the basement was used as a storage area for all things unneeded.

Sort of explains why I'm here, doesn't it?

The time spent in the basement since arriving feels like an entire lifetime, but I know it's only been about a day. A day of hell.

I've been lying helpless on the cement floors, my own dried blood coats the grey cement from years of abuse in this very location.

Too many painful memories come to mind at the sight of this place.

The world was growing more and more distant, my thoughts becoming more unclear and foggy.

I tried to ease the pain and eliminate the time by thinking of Mitch. Trying to imagine what his life was like before he met me.

And what he was doing now.

Was he looking for me? Had he called the police?

I'm certain he has at least done one of these things, Mitch isn't the kind of person to let someone suffer.

What about Clara? Where was she? When I arrived at the house I had heard only her faint whimpers as she too was beaten by our parents.

However, she was kept on the second floor, captive in a small bedroom.

Until about an hour ago, her whimpers stopped, the sound of a young girl sobbing ceased and I began to wonder if she was dead.

Until I overheard my parents yelling upstairs, about Clara escaping and about having to track her down twice.

A smile formed on my lips, that were a tint of blue from the cold basement. Clara had escaped, but she couldn't have done it alone.

Someone helped her. Perhaps Mitch?

I shuddered, I was wearing only a pair of jeans and a Tshirt. The thin clothing did little to keep me warm in the basement that had been poorly insulated.

My throat was on fire and my chest felt as if it might collapse on itself.

Occasionally, I would groan in pain.

If I didn't do something, I would be dead in the next few days. But each time I attempted to move pain would shoot through my veins. Causing me to fall back onto the hard ground.

A single tear escaped my eye as I began to accept my fate. Even if Mitch did find me, I could be dead by the time he got here.

Long gone, and the battle would be lost.

I coughed and tasted blood in my mouth, also not a good sign.

"Please." I begged silently, the word was barely audible and my voice was hoarse. However, my timid voice was absorbed into the grey walls, it reached no one's ears.

No one could hear me, why did I even bother?

But I couldn't bear to remain this way, flat on my back and weak.


As much as it hurt, I managed to pull myself up and crawl over to an empty corner.

My arms and legs shook uncontrollably and I found this task using up the little energy I had left.

I backed into the corner until I hit the wall and slid downwards, hugging my knees close to my body and squeezing my eyes shut.

I felt more protected like this and I slowly rubbed my arms and legs, trying to return their warmth.

This is the first step to putting an end to this. I told myself. Recover from the harm.

And I did my best, weak from being beaten, feeling hollow from not eating, and depressed from my surroundings I tried to take care of myself.

I ran my shaking fingers through my tangled and knotted hair, I added pressure to my wounds that were still oozing blood, and I felt a bit better.

It was exhausting, and I couldn't find the strength to do anything more.

I closed my eyes, wanting nothing more than to fall asleep and never wake up. A simple, peaceful way to go.

I almost drifted off, into a world of darkness and silence. But I was rudely interrupted by the sound of the basement door opening and closing.

The sound of footsteps alarmed me someone was descending the stairs and I trembled, expecting to be beaten by my parents once more today.

"Where is she? Tell me now!" A familiar voice demanded and suddenly I heard the sound of a hand hitting flesh. I whimpered.

"Don't speak to me like that, boy. She's down here." My father's voice growled and from my hiding spot I saw my father push someone to the cement floor.

He groaned in pain and my father kicked him once before exiting the basement.

"Riley?" The familiar voice asked.

My heart leaped at the sound of his voice, but guilt washed over me as I knew he was here because of me. Still, I could not mask the pain I was feeling when I sputtered his name.




Yep. I did just really end the chapter there :3

Only a couple more chapters until the book ends! What do you think of it all so far?

I hope you've enjoyed to this point and will stick around to see how it all ends .-.

Anyways! Please comment, vote, and follow! I appreciate it!


- Red xx

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