Chapter 5

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Well I guess Lex was serious she signed me and her up for the talent show at our school to sing on stage.

"Gray we should start practicing the talent show is in like 2 days and we don't even know how we are gonna remix this and how we are gonna be dressed." She said tugging on my arm. "Okay okay gosh what do you want for lunch?" I asked her and she asked for a salad and muffin. "Oh but I want sunflower seeds in my salad and grilled chicken." She jumped on my back and wrapped her legs around me.

I ordered our food and held her up so she didn't fall. I got our food and went to our table.

"Let's practice." She gave me her phone and I put in the password. "Okay go to my note pad and its the first thing you see." I did as told and heard the music play.

"I cried enough tears to see my own reflection in them." She sang like an angel. I look at the phone and see it's my turn to sing... She wasn't playing about the remix. "And it was clear, I can't deny I really miss her." I sang and now both of us have to. "To think that I was wrong. I guess you don't know what you got till it's gone.-" We were cut of by Brittany clapping sarcastically. "Bravo." She said and rolled her eyes.

"My boyfriend is a fag and she's a lesbian." She said and I saw Lex tense up. "There is nothing wrong with being either of those. People don't just wake up and say 'hey maybe I should be gay today' they wake up having that feeling and they are afraid to share it.

All that pressure built inside of them knowing they are gonna get called names and get bullied every day. They pretend to like something they don't like. They hide things from their families and lie to their friends. Brittany I don't know if you understand this or not but going around telling people that doesn't make you cute nor does it make you funny it makes you look stupid and ugly. How about you walk in a lesbians shoes and you tell me if you would enjoy talking about people in that way." She was so angry I've never seen her this angry.

The cafeteria was quiet. And she stood up from her chair. "And if you fall under the category let me tell you something. You are the ones that go out of the line your not like everyone else and you should be proud that you've made it this far most people kill themselves from all the things they go though after telling everyone what they go for. You guys continue to be who you are and don't listen to anyone who tries to make you feel low about yourself. And I'm gonna be honest I'm bisexual so if any of you girl are single I'm waiting." She winked.

Okay I wasn't expecting that. The bell rung and she hasn't even touched her salad, she's gonna want it later. I wrap up her food and take her to her next class.

After School

"Do you want you muffin or your salad?" I asked and she nodded. "I'm gonna be the talk around school." She said and sighed. "Don't worry. You sent out a positive message." I opened her salad and took a bite of it. "You getting my salad ready?" She asked walking into my kitchen almost tripping. "Yes." I put the dressing on it and took another bite. Uh this chicken taste so good. I love my school so much. I helped her up on a stool and sat beside her.

I took another bite and ate it as slow as I could. It's so fucking good. "Mmmmm." I moaned and licked my lips. "Stop eating my salad." Her voice ruined my moment with the salad. I started to feed her and she was acting just like I was. "This is so good are you sure the school made this." She opened her mouth for more. "I'm sure." I put the fork near her lips then I ate it. "Your an ass." She playfully hit my leg.

After we finished the salad she wanted to eat her muffin. I took a bite out of that as well and it was so good. "Stop eating my stuff." She pouted. "Okay okay I won't make any promises."

"Honey I'm h- who is this?" My mom asked slowly walking over to the table. "Mom this is Alexis." I said and Alexis waved at the door. "Lex my mom is in the kitchen now." Her face turned red and she hid her face. "Awwww she's cute. Is she the girl your always talking about? He will go on and on and on about Alexis and it's like there is no end. He said you were bea-" "Mom." I said annoyed. "You talk about me?" She asked looking at my nose.

I would force her to look in my eyes but she would probably look at my forehead. "Some times." I say scratching the back of my neck.

If you see mistakes I was half wake and half sleep

"Awwww Gray." She tried to hug me but fell out of her seat. My mom looked at her as she fell and gasped. "Honey are you okay?" She asked and helped her up. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm kinda use to this falling and running into things." She replied and rubbed her head.

"Hey I'm gonna go get some food. Gray watch her and don't let her fall." My mom said and left. I leaned in close to her face. Our lips were inches apart. "I just want to say before I kiss you. You make me happy and smile. And I really really really like you." I smashed my lips into hers and she seemed shocked but soon started to kiss me as well.

Brittany is a slut anyway. But Alexis is just... I think I'm falling for this girl. I hope she's falling as well.

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