Chapter 4

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Christen's Pov. 

During math, Kelley kept on getting distracted. It looked like something was also bugging her. At least she didn't notice my emotions. I would get antsy during the day. I was planning on talking to Tobin when I would get the chance. After math, I walked through the hallways, trying to get to my next class which was advanced English class. As I walked in, some jocks were here, fooling around. It surprised me a little that they would be in a class like this. But at the same time I couldn't limit people. I sat down, and pulled out my things. 

I sat in the front row, and turned on my phone. I had an idea that I would ask Tobin to meet me in the courtyard, and that's where we would talk. I text her, and she answered okay. 

When the teacher came, he held his cup of coffee, and set it down, and started to write stuff on the board. I took notes, but sometimes I would think about Tobin. None of the soccer players were in my class. I would think Kelley would be here, but she's in a class above me. Every time the teacher talked, I would try to listen intently, which worked, but not always.

 Some of the jocks who were sitting two rows behind me would sometimes whisper to one another. 

I turned my head around, and saw that they were smirking. Then one caught me eye. He had brown eyes that looked welcoming. He wore a pair of dark blue jeans and a buttoned tee shirt. He just sat there, not making any of the noise. He than swatted the jock next to him, and looked like he was telling him to shut up. He then looked at me, and gave a small smile. I immediately turned around, and glued my eyes to my paper. After class, I dashed out. 


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I walked towards the courtyard, and when I got there, Tobin wasn't there yet. I was 5 minutes early. I sat on a bench, and waited. I waited, and started to think that she didn't want to come, or she just forgot. I then gave her 2 more minutes, then I would just try again some other time. 

Then I saw Alex making a bee line towards me. I groaned. Not her. Not now. I sighed, and waited for her. She stopped, and looked down at me. 

"Hey Alex, what you up to?" 

"Stop playing with me Christen. I know that you were going to meet Tobin," she said strait forward. 

I stopped. My heart took a leap forward, "H-how do you know?" 

"She told me. She said that you and her were going to meet up in the courtyard."

"Why isn't she here?" 

"I told her that you got confused that you wanted to talk to me instead and that we needed to catch up on stuff." 

I started to get annoyed with her, "And why is that a problem to you that Tobin shouldn't see me?" I said through gritted teeth. 

I looked up, and it looked like she was going to say something, until she stopped herself. She then turned red, and turned her back towards me. I then got up, and walked where I could see her face. 

"Why is that a problem Alex?" I repeated myself. 

No answer. She kept her head down, and she fumbled with her hands and feet. She looked with a mixture of scared and anxious. 

"Why. Is. That a problem Alex?" 

"Because Tobin and I are dating!" she blurted out. 

I just stared at her. My breathing stopped. All of my confidence was shot down. My heart felt like it was shattered into a million pieces. My legs felt like noodles. 


"I said that Tobin and I are dating."

I clenched my jaw, "When did you guys started dating?" 

"Just two days ago. Remember when you bumped into Tobin, and I left and she followed?" 

I slowly nodded. I did not like where this was going. 

"She caught up to me in the parking lot, and we talked and things started to get tense. I told her that I liked her for awhile, and she then kissed me," when she talked, she had a stern voice. 

Tobin made the move? Not Alex? Now I was confused for some reason. 

"I know that you also like Tobin, but you listen carefully. If you ever try to get close with Tobin, I will personally make your life a living hell. Tobin is mine," she said through gritted teeth. 

I nodded. 

She then smiled, "Glad that we could work things out. I'll see you at soccer practice," and walked away. 

I then started to cry. I pounded my fists on the bench, leaving marks on my hands. I didn't want to make too much noise, but it was hard. I then skipped my last class, which was a class with Tobin. I walked down the locker room, and was curled up in front of my locker. I cried silently to myself, trying to understand the relationship between Alex and Tobin. 

I thought what Tobin and my relationship was going to be. I imagined that I wold act cool around her, and see her running towards Alex giving her a kiss after scoring a goal. I would hate that life. 

I didn't realize the time, because I heard people coming in. I quickly wiped my tears, and got in a position that looked like I was opening my locker. It was Carli and Hope. 

"Hey Christen, your pretty early," said Carli. 

"Yeah, didn't want to get caught up in the traffic of people," I lied. 

"Something wrong?" asked Hope. 

"No, not really, just dealing with homework and college and other things. Just so overwhelming." 

"I feel you, its that time. Don't worry. Hope is a senior and I'll bet that she can help you on that kind of stuff," soothed Carli. 

I nodded. Honestly I haven't dealt with any pressure on college. I got my stuff on, and when I saw Tobin, I would be on the other side of the room from her. 

I walked out of the locker room, and turned on some music, and put on my headphones. I didn't want to think about Tobin. My feelings for her has changed. 

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