Chapter 9

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Alex's Pov. 

I slammed my car door, and burst into tears. I hit the staring wheel several times. I couldn't believe that I was so stupid. I wanted to take everything back . 

"Ahhhh, why am I such an ass?!" I screamed. 

I needed to get out of here. I started the car, and drove off. I wiped the tear away, trying to focus on driving. I held tight to the wheel. I looked in my review mirror and saw a car. I looked back and saw a stop sign. I stopped and when it was clear, I kept on going strait. I then looked back in the review mirror and saw the car behind still following me. When I looked back, I saw that I was about to go into an intersection, and saw a truck coming my way. I slammed on the brakes, and just barely the truck passed me. The driver gave a gesture that I didn't need. I gasped. I couldn't believe I almost got into a car crash. I took a few deep breath and went on. 

When I arrived back at my house, I walked in, and Blue my dog came greeting me. I gave a a light pat and went upstairs. I was about to close my door when I met with my dad. 

"Hey sweetie, did you have fun at that party?" 

I shrugged, "I guess." 

Ke knew instantly something was wrong, "What's wrong sweetie, was the cops there?" 

I shook my head.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" 

I shook my head again. 

"Well... have a good night then," and walked to his room. 

I closed the door, and Blue hopped on my bed. I then collapsed too, and started to cry. I felt the tears running down my face. I hated myself. I rolled over, and curled up with Blue. 

I woke up to Blue licking my face. I looked at the clock, and it was 11:00. Jeez. I got up, and looked at myself in the body mirror. I saw myself disgusting and tired. I didn't sleep well. I went down stairs and mixed myself a cup of coffee. I turned on the T.V, and scrolled through the channels. I watched some Soccer and found it quite boring, and turned it off. Blue was anxious to go out, so I decided to put on some running clothes with Blue to run. When we were outside, I put on my workout playlist, and started a jog. Blue happily ran beside me. I then got into a faster rhythm. I went faster, and flashbacks of me and Tobin rushed in my head. 

I remembered the time Tobin and I went out for ice cream, and when she had some remaining on her lips, I kissed her to get it off. How romantic right? Another one was when we were at her apartment, and we curled up and she had a bar of chocolate and me with a small bowl of popcorn and we would just watch movies after movies. After about the third we would start to make out. I missed the feeling of her lips. her body pressed against me was one of the best things. 

I was thinking so much of this, that I didn't realize how far I ran. I looked at my map on my phone, and I ran five miles. I then started to walk to get Blue cool down, and wen we were going to cross the street, a car came. I looked at the driver and couldn't believe who it was. Servando Carasco. When he saw us, he smiled and waved us to cross. We did and I just looked down. I didn't want to locate at someone who I knew now. 

When I returned home, I took shower and put on fresh clothes. I started to do my homework. My mind would always wander to Tobin. I would sometimes think how I would make up for her, but at the end I knew she would never forgive me. I just need my space. 

Week later

I started to date this guy named Seth Drew who played soccer. (Made up the name)  He was nice and all, but not the same as Tobin. Since that night, I could say I was a little better, but not by much. Whenever I walked through the hallways I would see Tobin and Christen almost all the time. It kind of made me sick. I still felt jealousy in me. 

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