Chapter 22

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Tobin's Pov. 

"Mourning sweetie," I leaned over and kissed Christen's forehead. She gave her a moan, and turned over to face me. 

"I can smell your morning breath." 

"And I can smell yours," I chuckled. I pulled a string of hair away from her face, "Much better," I whispered before I leaned to her face and kissed her soft lips. 

"But I could get used to this," she smiled brightly. 

"Alright princess, as you wish," I said before I showered her kisses all over. She cried out in laughter and tried to hide under the sheets. 

"Toby, stop!" I just kept on doing it. 

After we were done goofing off, I gave some clothes to Christen. As she walked to the bathroom, she was wearing a pair of laced underwear, and damn what a view. I gave a whistle, and she spun around, and then blushed. 

"Don't look at me like that," she giggled. 

"I can't help if you're so hot," I teased. 

She closed the door of the bathroom, and tried to find some clothes for myself. I eventually found a Nike shirt and a black Nike hoodie and a pair of dark jeans. I pulled off my shirt, but got caught from my necklace. Great. Just great. I heard the door open, and groaned a little. I didn't mind having her check out my abs, but I didn't like feeling vulnerable, with my arms twisted. I didn't hear much noise, until I felt a pair of hands on my waist. My heart took a few leaps. 

"Now this is more like it," she whispered. 

"I'm glad that your enjoying yourself, but I would like to..." 

"Shhh, let's enjoy the moment," she said as she wrapped her arms around my stomach. I held my breath. 

Then I felt her hands creep up and met with my shirt. She slowly pulled off my shirt, but as she was, she laid kisses along my neck. When my shirt was finally off, she gave a long kiss on my neck. I groaned out in pleasure. 

"Okay, let's get some breakfast shall we?" she said. 

"As soon as I get another shirt on for myself." 

Later that day

We got a text that we were to meet up the team that we would go out bowling. I knew instantly that I needed to be on Carli's team. She was the pro at bowling. Christen left after breakfast so she could do her homework. I realized that I had to do some as well, so I dove right into it until it was time to pick up Christen. When the clock struck 6:30 P.M, I put on a beanie, and straitened my clothes, and grabbed my wallet with my license and my keys, and headed down to the garage for the people living in the apartment. I drove to Christen's house, and when she walked out, I gave a friendly wave to her. When we arrived at the bowling alley, after the long drive, we walked down, and went to the front desk. We told that we were with the party that belonged to Carli's. He confirmed our names, and asked what she size we were. Once we got our shoes, we walked down to the the bowling area, and we found Hope, Julie, and Morgan. We were on the early side, so we sat down, and ordered some water. Two figures came walking around the corner, and they were both laughing their heads off, holding a large cup of soda, and pretzels. I rolled my eyes when it was Kelley and Megan. They walked over, and looked like they were high on drugs if you asked me. 

"Hey Tobin, Christen," Kelley nodded. 

"See you guys are set." Christen said. 

"Set?! We're just getting started!' yelled Megan. 

"How do you guys still have abs?" I asked. 

"I work hard, and when I work hard, I can eat this one in awhile," pointed Kelley. 

More members of the team showed up, and then we started. We decided to have blonds vs. brunettes. I was glade that we went with that decision. Not only was I with Christen, but also with Carli. We started off, and Carli obviously stayed the game. We ordered two boxes of pizza, and enjoyed ourselves. I then was caught at Alex. She just finished rolling a ball towards the pin, and got six knocked down. I decided to walk over, 

"See you're having a fun time," I chuckled. 

"Oh, yeah I'm having a blast," she giggled. 

"How are you?" 

She stoped, and looked at me, "I'm okay, I'm jus glade that you're happy." 

"I know that you'd rather have the story different, but as long as your fine and healthy, I'm happy," I smiled.

She blushed. 

"Alex, you're turn!" yelled Julie.

Alex waved, and went back to the game. I then felt hands on my back, "Hey, what were you guys talking about?" said Christen.

"Catching up, that's all." 

We went back to our game, and when both teams were done, we added our scores, and saw who won. No surprise but the brunettes won. We had bragging rights. When we decided to go, I dropped off Christen, and when I got back home, I collapsed onto my bed. 

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