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  • Dedicated to Elizabeth Stillions

You and your boyfriend have been getting into fights a lot lately.. You wanted to talk about it..

"Heyy, babe, can we talk about how we've been getting into a lot of fights lately??" You asked and he looked up..

"Sure.." He said..

"Okay.. So, is there anything going on at work.." You asked him..

"No, what work??" He asked..

"Do you fight with John and Baylor??" You asked..

"No.." He said..

"Then what's happened to us??" You asked him and stormed out of the room.

"Don't leave the room intell I'm done talking to you!! Okay!!" He screamed at you and ran after you..

"Fine.. But you weren't talking, so I left.. You dirty cunt.." You told him..

"What did you say to me??" He asked..

"Did I stutter??" You answered with a question..

"Don't call me a cunt!! You slut.." He said and pulled your hair so you were facing him now..

"Cole!! Your hurting me!!" You yelled..

He let go, and you ran up to you bathroom, closed the door, and began to cry..

"Just leave me alone.." You yelled at him when he came up to the door..

"Bab-" He tried saying, but got cut off by you..

"No.. You hurt me and called me a slut.. How am I a slut??" You asked..

"I wasn't thinking babe.." He said and opened the door..

"I'm sorry babe.." He added and layed next to you..

Yall stayed in the bathroom and talked it out all the way through.. Then yall made up, and lived happy after..

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