Chapter 6: The Love of Green

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Chapter 6: The love of green

Everything was different when Kaito confessed to her. Miku came here to make people happy. That had been her task. But shouldn't she think about her own happiness? Or would that just be ungrateful for the life she was given? She didn't know. She never knew how to interact like humans and even now, she didn't get love at all. She knew people felt something indescribable when someone says he loves you, but when Kaito said it over and over, she didn't feel anything. She knew smiling makes people happy, which is a good feeling, but she never felt it when somebody smiled at her. Why were these human things so complicated? She didn't know.

Miku and Kaito were walking through a street in the Green Land. They were both incognito, so they wouldn't be recognized by any villager. It was a sunny day, and the warmth made her cheeks light up. She liked the feeling of warmth. It was the only feeling she could identify. She held his hand, but didn't feel anything. When he suddenly stopped and gave her a kiss, her heart didn't even skip a little beat. Was it because she was a wooden doll before that she didn't seem to sense any emotion? She could pretend like she did, but  that didn't change anything. Why wasn't she able to feel? She came closer to him. Would something ever change? All she knew was that she would never be able to love him the way he did.

Len was accepted as a servant the next day. He did any kind of stuff for his sister without showing anybody who he was. It was the best this way. He was happy and she was. It was the most important thing in his life to make her happy. Today he had to get something that was only sold in the Green Land. Rin didn't like to come here. He got the feeling she didn't like any other country besides her own. Were they really this bad? He didn't know. He bought the goods and came to the conclusion he still had some time to look around here. He walked through the street. Everything was so peaceful here. He didn't believe these people were so bad. They smiled and had fun. They didn't seem bad. Suddenly a wind beam blew from behind him, causing his hat to fly away. Right away he jumped, trying to still catch it, but he failed. He ran after it and saw that it was caught by a girl dressed in green.

"I'm so sorry," Len apologized. In front of him stood the most beautiful girl in the entire world he had ever seen. She watched him with her green eyes. To his relief, she smiled gently at him. Her eyes twinkled.

"You don't have to apologize. Here's your hat." Her voice sounded so tender. His heart beat faster and faster. Promptly he saw a boy with blue hair standing next to her. He was holding her hand. Even though she clearly already had a boyfriend, Len fell directly in love with her.

"Um... Thank you, miss." He couldn't utter anything else. It were maybe some seconds, but it felt like hours. They looked directly in each other eyes.

"No problem. Maybe I'll see you around someday." She waved at him while she was walking away. Suddenly Len discovered that he was still watching her with his mouth wide open. She was walking away. Would he ever see her again?

Miku beamed while biting on her lip. Who was that boy? She felt her heart ache. Was it because of him? Was this how emotions feel? Was it love? She couldn't say, but she'd never felt this before. It felt good. If she hadn't been with Kaito, she would've directly ran back to the boy and ask for his name. She regretted that she didn't ask it before. It wasn't like this when she was with Kaito. What was the difference?

Kaito looked at his fiancée. She expressed something else than before. Was she blushing? Or was it just because of the heat? He had the feeling the thing he feared the most, became true. Despite that he loved her, her love wasn't true. He always sensed something strange. She often said that she loved him, but there was something weird about it, as if she never meant it. Was it true? He lay his free hand on her shoulder, causing her to stop. He came closer to her and put his thumb on her lips. Why did she show him such a face? It was like she was hurt. Kaito knew the reason, and yet his feelings for her didn't stop. He couldn't live without her. He put his forehead against hers. She smiled at that boy in a different way, that blond boy on the street. Her smile was kind and he knew that boy had stolen her heart. He longed for that face. Would she ever turn to him and smile like that?

"I love you," he whispered.

"I know," she only said, but she didn't say 'I love you' back, because she knew she didn't love him the same way as he did.

Len had returned to the castle. He still thought about that girl. He had never felt that way about a girl before. He didn't denied he didn't love his sister, but it was another love. What would she be doing now? He still thought about that boy. He was her boyfriend. Was his love one-sided? Probably. He sighed, but he didn't lose hope. He hoped, no, he knew he'd meet him again.

"How was the Green country?" his sister suddenly asked from behind. He turned around.

"I don't know. It didn't seem that bad," he just replied. Should he tell her about the girl or not? His sister shook her head.

"You don't know anything about the horrors of the Green Land." With those words, she continued her way and left him behind.

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