Chapter 13: The End of the Evil Heart

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Chapter 13: The end of the evil heart?

Meiko looked upon her people. They were once poor, but because of their victory last month, she could look upon a kingdom with wealth and pride. She heard that the Sapphire Kingdom wasn't doing well either. Their Queen had been killed by an unknown criminal. Kaito was king now. To her astonishment, he looked full of pride. She never saw him that way, but she didn't really care about them. Her kingdom was blooming and that was the only thing that mattered. Yet, something disturbed her thoughts. One of her guards stormed into the room. He was out of breath and his face looked pale.

"Your Majesty, there's..." Before he could finish his sentence, she heard some blade clenching and saw him collapse on the floor. She saw blood and a wound. He was death. She went to the wall and directly took one of the swords hanging there. She held the sword in front of her to defend herself. A guy with a mask came in.

"Who are you?" she asked frightened. The guy didn't say anything, but he looked dangerous. She was always so self-assured, but now she was kind of scared. She didn't know why, but this guy looked very dangerous. Without answering her question he raced to her with his sword pointing to her. The only reason she could avoid being killed was because she was already jumping away before he moved. She already foresaw what was coming. Because of his speed, his sword got stuck in a little gap between the sword and shield that was used for decoration. She took advantage of the situation to stand up. She was going to attack, but with a strong swing, the assassin pulled his sword her way and with decoration and all he slammed her away. Ignoring the pain, she rose once again. She closed her eyes and listened to the footsteps of her foe. Even though she didn't have any weapon in her hands, she remained calm. when he was at the perfect distance she turned around, jumped, kick his sword out of his hands with her one foot and pushed him on the ground with her other. He groaned. It didn't take much time for her to pick up one of the swords and place it on his throat.

"Prepare to die," she just said as calm as she could be and pulled her sword higher than her head. She only had to swing it and kill him, but he was faster. With a quick swing, he threw a dagger at her heart. She fell down. He came in her sight and put off his mask. She could clearly see her killer. Kaito stood there.

"This is for Miku," he whispered, but loud enough for her to hear him. With another swing, he put another weapon in her heart and finished her off. He watched the lifeless body of the Red Queen. She was dead. He smiled. The dead of his fiancée was the fault of every country. That's why he would take over all of them and build up a new kingdom: 'The Iron Country'. This was justice. He would bring justice to the world. A hysterical laugh echoed through the throne hall.

It had been a month since the take-over of the Red Kingdom. Everyone in the Iron Country had endured much because of their king. They never thought their beloved and kind prince Kaito, would become a cruel and savage king. He ruled the country without any sympathy for the citizens. They were nothing in his eyes. Many people who were once citizens of the Golden Kingdom even said he was worse than their Queen. Most people were like his slaves. In this little month many people died because of famine. He took one woman who already was promised to another man and married her. He commanded his army to kill the fiancé. Even though her love was dead, she still was rebellious. That's why he put chains around her hands. She was more like his slave, than his wife. She had to wear scarce clothes and bring him everything he wanted. Her eyes stood lifeless. In only two weeks she had lost all the hope. She didn't want to live anymore. She wanted him back. She wanted Leon back. She stood there with some grapes in her hands. Suddenly he took the chains and pulled her closer to him and took one of the fruit. He watched her way, but she watched him full of grudge and disgust. He stood up and grabbed her arm. She groaned. It was already full with stains.

"You're hurting me," she moaned, but he didn't react. Instead he brought his lips closer to hers. She didn't want to. She didn't want to kiss that man again. She struggled, but it didn't help. Suddenly she felt something, something warm. bloodstains filled her head. She was an arrow that pierced through the head of the king. She shrieked. The king fell down. Whatever that had happened, it couldn't be anything good. Instinctively, she ran away, leaving the terrible life she had behind.

A girl put down her bow and entered the room. This was her chance. She was going to rule this kingdom as it should be. She sat down on the throne and supported her head with her hand. She put her white hair good again and laughed.

"So you thought there would be peace, right? That doesn't exist, only evil does because of the greed of humans."

~The end~

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