Chapter 7: I Wish for you

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Chapter 7: I wish for you

The Queen and her servant were strolling at the beach. When they were little, they played here. Len closed his eyes and concentrated on the waves. He thought back. As kids they played a game. A ghost wanted to eat them, so they were running away from him. All those memories played in his head. And then, he saw that girl again, the one who stole his heart. Why did his sister hate the green country like that? She said they weren't as they looked like. Whatever she said, that girl was different. But was his love really one-sided?

"Do you remember when we used to play here?" Rin asked. Len nodded.

"Don't worry, sis, the Twilight Ghost will never eat us. I'll protect you." Then he remembered something. He opened his bag and took an empty bottle out of it. inside, there was a paper. Len hasted to the sea. When the water came until his knees, he stopped.

"What are you doing, Len?" She finally uttered. The servant put the bottle in the water.

"It's said if you put your wishes in a glass bottle and put it in the sea, they'll come true." He gazed upon the sky and back to the water. The bottle was drifting away from him. He sniffed the air. It made him feel more relaxed.

"Are you serious, Len? It can't possibly make your wishes come true." The Queen wasn't that credent. Len turned around.

"Do you want to try it too, my Queen?" he proposed. "I have a spare bottle and paper with me." Rin shook her head and crossed her arms.

"No, I don't need to try it. My wishes are granted by you, right Len?" He smiled. He would do anything for her. He would grant any wish. "What did you wish for anyway?" Did he suspect any kind of interest?

"I won't tell you." Rin was maybe a little disappointed. "Because if I do, the bottle-tick won't work anymore." He came out of the water and stood next to her again.

"Do you want to make me happy, Len?" He nodded. Of course he wanted that. She was his sister. "If that's what you want, then stay with me forever. I'm the happiest when I'm with you." Len grinned. He was surprised and it made him cheerful.

"I'll be happy if I can do that." Suddenly she looked like a kid who just got candy from her parents. She smiled from ear to ear. It was different from before. Yesterday she appeared to be so cold, but now she lit up. He was happy that he could see her this way again.

~ I wish I could meet that girl again ~

Haku sat down a bit. Why had this happened? It was she who wanted to meet the prince. She saw him walking there. He wasn't going to fool her with that costume. That way, Miku and Haku played a game to get a reason to talk to him, so Haku pushed her off the stairs. The white girl was in love with him, but then he fell in love with Miku. And if that wasn't enough, her friend didn't look out for her anymore. Her life was perfect for one moment, but then it all fell back again. She was alone again.

That afternoon, Len took off to the Green Land again. He just told Rin he would come back with an surprise. He didn't know what to buy for her, but wasn't why he was here. There was green anywhere, but none of it was as green as hers. He wondered if he'd ever see her again. Maybe he was giving up too soon? He didn't know. Still, he couldn't get back to the castle with empty hands, so he got some goods from the grocery store to cook her something delightful. What should he do? Head back? Well, before he did, he sure had to taste some of the new ice cream flavor. He stood up and went to a stand, accidently leaving his bag behind.

 Miku walked around. What was she doing? She already had a boyfriend! Why was she looking for some lad that she'd seen for some seconds? Because he had stolen her heart. She sighed. Why would she even be looking for him? He was probably from another nation anyway, so how could she ever see him again. When she was just going to give up, she saw him, sitting on a bench. It was him! The blonde boy from yesterday, he was just sitting there. She hid behind a tree. What should she do? Confront him? What would Kaito think about it when he found out? She didn't care. She turned around, but he was already gone. Only his bag was left behind. She saw him waiting at a stand. This was her chance. She quickly wrote a letter and put it on his stuff. This would solve it. She watched him one more time and then walked away.

Len took a bit of his ice cream. It was so sweet. There was still something good about this day, but he didn't know what would happen next. This would be the best day of his life. He was happy his bag was still there, since he forgot it. Nothing was stolen, but something lay on it. It was a piece of paper, a letter. He opened it and read it.

~Dear mysterious boy with the blonde hair and little ponytail~

~When I saw you yesterday, my heart pounded faster. It was the first time for me to feel this amazing emotion and it was all because of you. I want to see you again. Please find me at the well in the center of the city. I'll be waiting for you!~

Was it a letter from her? The girl with the green hair? It had to be her! If it was, she was in love with him as well! This would be the best day ever! His heart pounded so fast. He would see her again. He took everything with him and ran away to the well where she was waiting for him. He got there. A girl was standing in front of him. Her hair was so beautifully green. She put it in two ponytails. A breeze played with her hair. He could smell her perfume. It smelled good. She heard his footsteps and turned around. It was her! She looked at him with her green eyes. The boy was here! A harder wind gust caused the letter Len was holding to fly away, but he didn't care anymore.

"You," she uttered, "what's your name?" He couldn't take his eyes off her. She was so pretty.

"Len," was the only thing he could say.

"Miku," she whispered, "My name is Miku." This was awkward. What should she say? What should he say? They both didn't know. Suddenly Len opened his mouth.

"Are you the one who wrote this letter?" She nodded. Did he feel the same as she did? "I felt the same as you did, back then." She was relieved. They sauntered closer to each other, without taking their eyes off each other. "What about that boy who was with you?" It felt like a pretty rude question, but he had to ask her.

"Don't mind him. The only one I love is you." She took his hand. This would be her story, her happy ending and not an ending for someone else. She found her own happiness, her own love. She wanted to be with Len forever. That was all she wanted. He put his hand on her cheek. She blushed. He pressed her lips against his, their first kiss. His heart was racing. Hers as well. It was like a love story being completed. If it was, this story would end with: and they lived happily ever after. However, this story isn't like that.

Haku never looked that angry. She knew something was odd when she saw Miku in town, but she never thought this would happen. Miku had everything Haku wanted. Kaito, the prince she was in love with, lay at her feet and still... Still she didn't have enough. Why did this had to happen? Why was Miku suddenly so evil. She wanted her friend back. She wanted the 'real' Miku back...

Len finally came home. He had to make hast. He directly began with the diner he wanted to prepare for Rin. Even though he was a good cook, his food wasn't prepared as good as other times. He was a bit distracted. He couldn't think about something else than Mike. It was the girl he really loved the most. Rin was different than that morning. She seemed sleepy and irritated. He didn't know what she had been doing this afternoon. She said she had to go to a meeting. She and the governors of this country had an assembly about something, but she didn't say about what. It was probably just confidential anyway. Now she really just looked annoyed. What had happened with her?

"Are you alright?" he asked. She nodded and put a forced smile on her face.

"I just had a hard day. I'm going to bed. Goodnight." She really was acting weird. What did they talk about at the meeting?

"Goodnight, my Queen."

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