End of November

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Authors Note:
Thanks for reading my story! I hope I can get far in this series and leave feedback. It helps!

I walked down the corridor and seen Tracey standing there. She was holding a knife. She threw it and it landed in my shoulder. I screamed out in pain as she got closer.
"Im glad your finally mine." Tracey then crashed her lips into mine.

She told me that she would never forgive me for What I did. I walked in on her having sex with my best friend Daryl. Tracey then pulled the knife out of my arm and stabbed harder

Then she came closer.

"Charlie? Can you put the dog out."

"Yeah Mom." I walked to the door and turned the lock. I grabbed Ash's leash and let him out. I watched him run around in the leaves.

A minute later her started barking and I looked up from my phone to see Bailey walking towards me. I walked over and embraced her.

She smiled softly. "Why are you up early"

"Well what are you doing here early"

She giggled and said "Touchè"

"Do you want something to eat?"

"I think I'm okay."

~End of Flashback~

The End of DecemberWhere stories live. Discover now