The Move

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The pain in my shoulder was starting to make me want to sleep. I pushed Tracey off me and began to ran. There was something on the side of me but I couldn't tell what it was. I kept running until I made it to the parking lot. A group of kids were sitting down talking and they seen me walking. I fell over and landed in my face. I winced as the knife slid farther in my shoulder. Just then my head lifted up and something cold was against my neck. Just then the kids stopped and one ran to his car. Please get help. Please don't leave me here. I thought.
Then that's when I seen Bailey standing there. She looked frightened as I was bleeding out. She seemed to not have control of her self and ran to me and Tracey tightened the knife around my neck. Just then, something threw Tracey down. I was on the ground and I seen a wire on Tracey to a man in uniform. Someone has called the cops.

A paramedic picked me up on a stretcher and I drifted off into a deep sleep.

~1 year later~
I walked to the back door with a box in my arms. I opened it and Ash followed quickly behind me. I loaded the last box into the truck. I turned around and seen my mom standing with a smile. "I can't believe you're leaving me again." She said.

"Mom, college was last year." I said softly "I promise I wont get stabbed again." I said with a slight chuckle. Remembering my wounds.

I put her in an embrace and I turned to see Bailey walking out with Ash's toys and treats and put them in the truck.

I reached up and pulled the door down. I began to walk to the door. I wrapped my mom into an a hug one last time. I opened the door and let Ash sit in the middle seat and Bailey took the passenger seat. I turned the ignition and we drove for a couple hours.

When we eventually hit the city we looked at the two houses ready to move into. One was an apartment and the other was in a small neighborhood.

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