I. Best Buddies (Part One)

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A/N - HEY EVERYONE! Welcome to our very first one shots for Steve Rogers,  I hope you guys enjoy it! Make sure to favorite our story if you want more and feel free to comment down below any requests! We are open for any feedback:D

Warning : none

Words : 1839

You've been best buddies with Steve and Bucky since you joined the avengers. The three of you have always hung out together and it's known to everyone that you guys are inseparable.

Since you came to the compound, Steve already had an eye for you. He saw you as an amazing intelligent woman.

Along your friendship, his crush on you became stronger. But you didn't seem to notice, because clearly you thought that Steve is way out of your league and there's no way that the 'Captain America' is falling over someone like you.

You are on the way to the kitchen when F.R.I.D.A.Y told you that Fury had summoned the team to the meeting rooms. As you walk to the meeting rooms, you saw all the teams have gathered. You entered the room and greeted the team. You quietly took a seat beside Natasha.

A few minutes has passed before Fury walked in and brought with him an unfamiliar man. Your eyes met for seconds before you broke away. He has a well built figure with a strong jaw. The color of his eyes remind you of translucent honey, and bushy eyebrows adorned his face. You took a secret glance toward his direction. His lips are pulled upward smiling at you and you smile in return.

"This is Agent Franco, he will be with us for a few months and I hope this team will cooperate with Agent Franco" Fury told the team.

"Dave Franco, you all can call me Dave," He nodded. "I am from SHIELD specialize as a field agent and I hope we can get along anytime soon."

Nat nudged your elbow and whispered "He was looking at you the whole time, I think he might have a thing for you."

"Pssh, yeah right," You playfully hit her. "He's an eye candy," you continued.

A few week has passed and you've been getting along pretty well with Dave. Things hadn't turned out to be how you expected it be. Dave and you became closer than anyone else in the team but you still kept your distance considering that you haven't known much about him yet.

Days turned to weeks and you become more distant with Steve. Your training time these days don't involve Steve very much anymore as his relationship with Bucky's growing closer just like yours and Dave's.

As you finished your training with Dave, you grabbed your phone and clicked it so it would display the time :12.15. It was lunch time and you were starting to get starving, so you grabbed your bag and slung it across your shoulders. "Come on, let's grab lunch. I'm starving," you said and took a sip from your water bottle. "Pass me my towel please," he said. You took the towel in his bag and threw it to him.

"Thanks, Y/N," he smiled at you and brought the towel to his face, wiping the sweat dripping down his body. You can't help but noticed how attractive he is and stared for a second too long. He catches you and smirks. You feel embarrassed all of a sudden as he stares at you.

"What?" you asked him.

"What?" he asked you back. You roll your eyes and chuckle. "Don't pretend you weren't staring at me Y/N," he teased.

"Excuse me?" Your jaw drops. He raises and eyebrow.

"I was not, thank you," you shrug hoped that it was not that obvious.

He grinned and gave you a pat on your shoulder. "Come on, I know you're hungry," he said and walks while resting his elbow on your shoulder stealing your water bottle and drank everything down.

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