Part 2

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3rd person p.o.v
Everyone knew Ms. Mills, and no one was enthused about being in her class. Even though the offer was out for questions no one said a word; that was except for Emma who raised her hand slowly. Regina reverted her head towards Emma expectantly, "This is an Ib class right?" She asked sheepishly. "Yes indeed it is dear. And headphones?" She said her sultry voice echoing through the quiet classroom. "I-uh they help me focus." The blonde said slowly pulling the one out of her ear.

"First of I'd like to see what level you're all at with writing. So if you could take out a pencil and a piece of paper. I'd like you to write about something you're passionate about, it may be in whatever formate you choose." Regina said walking behind her desk and taking a seat.

Emma's p.o.v
Passion?! Come on could she not choose anything other than that? Whatever I was about to write will surely fuck up my life. What am I passionate about? Well I guess people, all kinds of people. So I went ahead and wrote on that races, size, preferences, gender, sexual orientation, height, intelligence. All these things that make us the same yet so different.
"Shit!" I muttered, that bell was going to kill me. I just barely finished my piece, do I expect to have an A in this class? Nope. Well whatever, I walked up to the front desk to hand in the assignment. "Name?" Asked ms. Mills, "Emma swan." I responded watching as her chocolate eyes found there way down the attendance and back up to the paper I handed to her "Thank you Miss Swan."

I walked over to my desk to check my schedule.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

I thought to myself. Another block here with her? I could barely keep my eyes off her this period, but another? God this was going to be pleasant hell. I took my seat again putting one my headphones in "The bell went. You may leave now miss swan." She said to me, "I know, but this is my psych class." I said slightly disappointed. It's not that I think that she's rude, I just feel like because in English we were just writing it didn't give us a chance to interact. Psych? That's a whole different story, the class is full of questions and discussions. What if they were to get out of hand? It wasn't my concern because I would have no one to talk to, but even so.

Regina's p.o.v
Another block with that blonde. She didn't seem to be a disturbance during first block; and I'm hoping that she won't be one this block.

Daring to take another look, I saw as the sun shining through the window have her a whole different appearance. God this was just perfect, her blonde locks shining in the sunlight  and the way the sun made this big green eyes glisten.

Wait! No. Oh god Regina stop. She's a student before she's a person.

My eyes finally found themselves peeling away from Emma and finally the bell rang. Students filed in and I watched as the blonde didn't give much attention to those who walked in. Hearing their feet shuffle across the floor and their voices accompanied by redundant conversations really just made me disappointed. How could these kids have nothing better to talk about then the "mannequin challenge"? Who in the hell knows what that's all about. Finally the bell rang again and class was starting.

Emma's p.o.v
I stared out the window as I heard others walk into the room. Bringing my gaze to the front of the room Ms. Mills is going through some papers and I can't help but notice the pair of thick framed black glasses perched on her nose. Oh my god. Those things made he utterly adorable, I turned my head back to the window and waited for the bell to ring.

"Hello and welcome to your Psych 12 course." She began and I pulled my headphone out of my ear to hear her voice better. "I am Ms. Mills, here is a sheet going over what we'll be touching on this semester." She said as she passed papers down each row. Looking over it I know I'm going to enjoy this course, for much more than just the gorgeous woman teaching it. Ms. Mills started again "I'm also going to pass out my rules and expectations. Don't like them? Drop out." Another paper was handed back to me and they went over the same things that she said during English.

After about 10 minutes I zoned out and stopped paying attention, that was a mistake "Miss Swan?!" I heard Oh Fuck! "Yes Ms. Mills?" I asked feeling slightly uneasy about what she was going to say next "If the window is more important than your learning maybe you'd like to take a walk." She said. "No Ms. Mills. Sorry." I'm not even sure why she's so mad, it's no like she was teaching anything. "Your textbook." She spit. I looked around and noticed everyone had their own and all their eyes were on me. Walking up to the front I grabbed the textbook assigned to me. Yep. Huge mistake.
I kept quiet and focused for the rest of class because if that's how she reacted after me zoning out once just thinking about doing it again makes my stomach do flips.

Regina's p.o.v
Was my class that boring? Only 10 minutes in and she already can't stand it? I definitely have to pick my game up. "If you all want to turn to page 104, we can get started." Waiting till there was no more sounds of pages flipping I began reading and paraphrasing the paragraphs covering the next few pages. There was a tapping going on that just began to tick me off, although I wanted to say something professionally I shouldn't. Tick tick... Tick tick... Tick tick... "I'd like to ask whoever is making that completely unnecessary noise to stop." And of course guess who dropped her pencil straight down to the table, Emma. Maybe letting her listen to music would help, or maybe she just has anxiety in new places. This was the first day of school and I'm guessing her first day really socialising with so many people here. "Sorry." I hear a small voice say, her voice was so delicate and comforting. God Regina stop. This time I mentally made a contract to get through my lesson without treating her as a distraction. That wasn't the best idea, every chance I got I would look for those blonde locks.

Okay well here I'll try and spend some time working on this piece as well as my other one so please like and comment💞~A

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