Part 7

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3rd person p.o.v

So days went on, Emma had refrained from staring too much at the teacher. Ruby and Belle stopped teasing her, but every so often they would ask her about lunch.

Regina continued on teaching. Of course she noticed Emma and read her pieces with admiration. During her psych class she'd forcibly have to look away from those green doe eyes.

Days turned to weeks, and weeks to 2 months. An assignment had been handed out and Emma couldn't quite get all the answers.

The bell went and out went the students. That was everyone but Emma. 2 questions left, that was it, "Miss Swan?" the brunette teacher asked from her desk. "Yeah? Sorry I'm almost done." Emma said speeding through the questions as she heard her teacher's chair push out. "Did you need help with anything?" the teacher asked innocently sitting at the desk next to the blonde; "Not really, I just want to finish here so I don't forget about it later." Emma responded barely above a whisper. "About that..." Regina started "... I just wanted to thank you. Your attention has grown abundantly since the first day." she finished offering the teenager a sweet smile that Emma gladly returned "Well you do a really good job at teaching. So I guess I get a lot out of what you're saying." Emma managed to say; quite awkwardly so.

Regina couldn't help the genuine smile forming on her face "Thank you for that Emma. I've never heard that from a student." she said. Emma felt her heart skip a beat upon hearing her first name being used as well as seeing the stunning smile on her teacher's face. "I-... You're welcome." Emma coughed out, Regina looked up to the board then back to Emma "I have a question for you Em-ma." she said; the name rolling off her tongue as if she was tasting each vowel. "These stories you write... The harsh truths about the world... Where do you draw inspiration?" Regina had almost immediately regretted asking as of seeing the blonde's mood immediately drop.

Emma took in a deep breath, "These harsh truths? These harsh truths are in a way... Mine. The truth of what has happened to me. Each character is real. Each situation has actually occured..." she stared down at her work and then up to Regina with a sad smile. "Oh Emma I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." Regina said placing her olive hand on top of soft pale ones.

The spark was there. Undeniably. It was beautiful. Chocolate met jade and each caught a glimpse of something. What it was, was unidentified at this point soon enough though. Each would realize what the look meant.

"No it's fine. Really I'm not looking for sympathy or pity. Like you said they're harsh truths." Regina realized what Emma was getting at "I understand, if you need someone with an open ear I'm here." she offered; the same soft tone Emma had grown accustomed to. "Thanks, sorry I should get going. S-sorry I disrupted your lunch break." Emma fumbled to gather her things almost crying at the loss of contact as she pulled her hand from Regina's.

It was all too fast and as soon as Regina grasped what was happening Emma has already been standing from her chair trying to hand her teacher her paper. "I-it was no disruption dear." Regina said taking the paper that was being handed to her.

"I'll see you tomorrow Ms. Mills." Emma smiled back at her teacher "Until then. Have a good day." was Regina's response simple and sweet; "You too." Emma said as she walked out the door towards the cafeteria leaving the brunette stranded in the middle of her own classroom.

What the fuck?

Regina's p.o.v

Emma. Emma Swan. A peculiar young woman. She owned herself, her past, her actions. I took the time to read through her pieces analyzing what was written with my newfound inside knowledge. Emma, she was so strong after being through so much at such a young age. Her personality as a whole was just so mature, like she was 10 years older than she actually was. I read her pieces about physical and mental abuse, about abandonment and rejection. All of which had occurred; it hit me right then and there. Why she was easily distracted and when offered help she found it hard to accept it.

Emma's p.o.v

I walked into the cafeteria to slump into a seat with Ruby, Belle and Graham. "About time you show up." Ruby teased and i could only bring myself to respond with a slight smile. "I decided to leave you two alone and head here on my own." Ruby said with a smirk. "Well thanks for that." I said sarcastically "it was so awkward. She's so fucking nice!" I expressed quite defeated leaning my head in my hands. "Cheer up Em, now spill." Belle said innocently, "Ugh... She thanked me for paying attention and asked where I draw inspiration for my writing pieces. So I told her... She held my hand! And her smile ughhh." I told them dramatically leaning on Belle. "That doesn't sound too bad. It could've been worse. And she held your hand?" Graham chimed in. "No, you guys don't get it. It was so blissfully awkward." that was all I could stand with this conversation "Were skipping the rest of the day. Wanna come?" Ruby then asked me thankfully dropping the subject; "Why not?" I shrugged and we all began to head towards the exit.

Graham had borrowed his dad's truck and we all got in; heading towards the forest I noticed the snacks and drinks in the back. "So what's the plan?" I asked curiously "Just a little party cause why not?" Ruby said. Great.

3rd person p.o.v

It was nearing 3, the 4 teenagers sitting in the trunk of the truck buzzed off of the beer Graham and Ruby had somehow obtained. Emma pulled out her phone and texted Mary Margaret letting her know she would be out a little later today. After 10 minutes of trial and error she had finally sent the message.

"So do you really like Ms. Mills?" Graham asked before finishing off the rest of his drink, "Yeah I guess I do... It's nothing serious though, she doesn't like me." Emma admitted leaning against the edge of the trunk. "You gotta stop thinking like that blondie. You never know what'll happen." Ruby said smacking Emma's leg lightly. "You say that like you're planning something." Emma replied; "Just wait up Em she's only like 30." Belle chimed in her words slightly slurred due to her lightweight tendencies.

A couple hours went by. The teens just sat listening to music, eating and drinking. Emma deep in thought, Ruby and graham playing cards and of course Belle had her nose stuffed into a book. How she could concentrate while intoxicated was beyond Emma. "It's almost 7, I'm gonna go back. Maybe pick up a coffee." Emma said hoping off the truck and grabbing her backpack "Thanks for inviting me. I'll see you tomorrow." she waved receiving farewells from her friends.

After 20 minutes she finally made it to the common area, she thought about going to the diner but decided against it because of her current state. Instead she kept walking towards the edge of town to a small café.


Regina flinched slightly as she heard bell on the door ring. Not only did she flinch, but she turned to see who walked in as she heard a voice "A medium hot chocolate. With cinnamon please." Emma ordered paying for her drink before looking for a place to sit. "Emma?" Regina called.


Woah. Next one will be up soon so make sure you comment, fav and follow. If you want to talk or offer some constructive criticism just message meeee ~w

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