Part 5

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Emma and her newfound friends parted ways, Ruby heading over to her Granny's diner, Belle to the Library, she didn't know where Graham was off to but he seemed mysterious and she made her way home.

Emma unlocked the door and walked in, grabbing an apple from the counter as she walked by. She knew Mary Margaret wouldn't be home for another hour or so; so she took the chance to play her favorite music and do her chores. The young girl bobbed around to the beat as she washed and rinsed each dish setting it on the rack beside the sink.

A guitar started a familiar tune which Emma had incredibly adored "25 years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope, for a destination."

"I realized quickly when I knew I should, that the world was made up for this brotherhood of man. For whatever that means." Emma sang along with 4 non-blondes.

"And so I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed. Just to get it all out what's in my head and I, I am feeling a little peculiar." each second of the song made Emma feel more and more uplifted.

"And I sing hey yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah. I said 'hey what's going on.'"


Emma had finally felt satisfied with the work she had done in the kitchen she made her way up to her room flopping down against the comfort of her bed.

Only moments went by before she heard the doorknob downstairs squeak open. "Emma?" she heard Mary Margaret call "Yeah. I'm in my room." she called back quickly sitting up at her desk pulling out her homework as soft footsteps made their way up the stairs. "You cleaned the kitchen and now you're doing homework? You gotta give yourself a break sometimes." Mary Margaret said softly "I'm okay. How was being back at work?" Emma asked completely avoiding the comment; smiling at the woman whom seemed not much older than her. "Yeah it was wonderful, I haven't been around so many smiling faces in a while. I missed it." she said.

"I'm glad." Emma said, her usual short response reputation. "And how was school?" Mary Margaret asked "Well I mean school will be school. Its going to be the same for the rest of the year." Emma said knowing very well that if she had really told the sweet innocent woman what had happened there would be a very long explanation. "I guess so. I'll go get started on dinner, I know David will be hungry when he gets home." she said walking back down to the kitchen.

Emma had finally finished her homework when she heard Mary Margaret call her down for dinner. "Hey David. Mary Margaret would it be okay if I ate upstairs? I'm really tired." Emma asked. "Yes of course. I'll come up and get your dishes when I can." the brunette said again with the same soft voice Emma had grown accustom to. "Thank you." 

Emma ate what she was given which was some sort of disassembled chicken alfredo. She never thought of complaining because the couple had been so kind to her this whole time; even when she decided to be stubborn and difficult.

After some time she had made her way onto her bed falling asleep as if she'd been up the past 24 hours.


Emma's alarm went off and she rolled herself out of bed. Throwing on a pair of jeans and a white tank top she started washing her face brushing her teeth and hair before putting on her favourite red leather jacket and black boots; grabbing her bag and running down to the kitchen. "Morning Mary Margaret." she beamed "Good morning Emma." Mary Margaret greeted the teen. "Need a ride?" she asked the still half asleep blonde, "Yes please." Emma said over dramatically.

Emma got to School and begrudgingly walked over to her first class. To her surprise she was again, the first one there. "Good morning Miss Swan." came a familiar voice, "Morning Miss. Mills." Emma said walking over to her seat trying her best not to stare at her teacher. Emma stared down fumbling with her fingers "Blondie?" Emma's head shot up, her eyes catching those which belonged to Ruby whom was standing by the door "Red." Emma said smiling at Ruby's almost disgusted look. Ruby took a step into the class "Morning Mills." she said before walking to the desk in front of Emma's "Miss Lucas. I see you skipped the first class of the semester." The brunette teacher said quite monotonously "Yeah. Yesterday was all rules though." Ruby shrugged not bothering to turn back to the teacher. The teacher's scoff was audible from the back of the class and sent shivers up Emma's spine, "Lucas, you missed an assignment. And I'm sorry to ask this but, isn't this class a tad bit advanced for you?" Ruby rolled her eyes so far Emma swore they completely disappeared "Look Mills," Ruby started turning to the front "last year I passed with the highest mark in the class so my teacher told me to take the IB class." Emma didn't know what to react to; the cold feeling she got from Miss Mills' stare or the annoyance in Ruby's voice.

"Miss Swan, if you could please explain to Miss Lucas here yesterday's assignment." the brunette asked Emma softly. Ruby turned to Emma with the biggest grin on her face.

The thing was Emma knew why. She knew Ruby was going to tell Belle and that they were going to tease her about it later on.

"Miss. Mills had us write on passion. More or less what we're passionate about. She said it could be any format." Emma explained as students made their way into class.


The bell went and everything went quiet. Emma stared up to the front and so did Ruby. "Good morning, I will hand back your assignments and we can get started." Miss. Mills said before going through the attendance handing them back their papers. "Emma, Swan." Emma heard her name called and shot right up afraid of the same situation as yesterday. "Very beautifully written Miss Swan." the blonde read off the top of her page. "Thanks." she smiled lightly walking back to her seat.

The rest of class was pretty boring, they all sat reading for a book report that would be due 2 weeks later. Emma got lost in the book, any other time Emma would have detested reading a book someone else chose, but the brunette teacher had good taste.

Miss. Mills hadn't known what to think of Emma, she was bright, easily distracted, eye catching and her writing was absolutely captivating.

Eyes felt magnetized and Emma felt herself slowly find her was to those comforting chocolate orbs. As for her teacher it was indescribable, the feeling that was almost as if she had heard Emma scream her name.

"Blondie? You good? Emma?" Ruby whispered destroying the comfort that Emma had found herself in. "Yeah yeah I'm fine." she said packing her things up. "You seemed pretty distracted by something. Or someone." Ruby teased "Ugh stop." Emma complained making Ruby laugh.

What the hell are you doing?!

Miss. Mills asked herself. Turning to her computer she looked at the time. It had been 6 minutes since she last checked. She had lost 6 minutes looking at Emma. 6 goddamn minutes.


"Fuck." Emma muttered, she just about got up and left with Ruby before she realized this was her second period. "What are you doing?" Ruby asked "This is my second block." Emma said slouching into her chair. Ruby laughed "Oh god have fun with that." Emma rolled her eyes "I'll see you at lunch." she called after the brunette.

Time for round 2.

Emma thought to herself looking over to the brunette who now had a pair of black glasses perched on her nose.

Here. You. Go. Lol please follow me, fav and comment. (Also on ig @mayorxmills)~w

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