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*Chresanto's POV*

We partied for hours and hours,having a good time. I got a couple numbers myself,and I felt pretty damn good. Lots of people started leaving,and soon it was no one left but the gang and 2 other girl,and one boy. Amaya,Kristina,and Kionte. I knew em from school.

Peyton and Ray were still dancing,on the floor alone. Craig and Penny had disappeared somewhere doing lord knows what. I cringed at the thought.

"Yoo,Jake. That was a good ass party." I said,walking up to him. "You saying that like it wasn't expected to be nice." He said all cocky. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever man,it's still early. I got an idea." I smiled mischievously. "What?" He asked.

"Yo Ray! Pey!! Amaya! Kristina! Kionte'Come here!" I yelled across the room,catching their attention. They walked over there by us,looking at me. "PROD!! PENNY!" I yelled louder,and heard a small thud.

"Ew." Peyton said,giggling. "Coming!" I heard Penny say,coming down the stairs,smiling. Prod came a few seconds after her,grinning like he just won a million dollars. "Nasty asses. Come here. I got an idea."

We all sat around the couch. "Alright,so it's Halloween night,am I correct?" I looked around. "No shit." Ray said,chuckling. I rolled my eyes. "I got a way to spice up the night a bit. I wanna suggest we play a little game called 'Smee'." I looked around,at the confused faces.

" It goes like this. It's kind of like hide-and-seek. 'Every player is given a sheet of paper. All the sheets except one are blank. On the last sheet of paper is written "Smee". Nobody knows who "Smee" is except "Smee" himself - or herself. You turn out the lights, and "Smee" goes quietly out of the room and hides. After a time the others go off to search for "Smee" - but of course they don't know who they are looking for. When one player meets another he challenges him by saying, "Smee". The other player answers "Smee", and they continue searching.

'But the real "Smee" doesn't answer when someone challenges. The second player stays quietly beside him. Presently they will be discovered by a third player. He will challenge and receive no answer, and he will join the first two. This goes on until all the players are in the same place. The last one to find "Smee" has to pay a forfeit. It's a good, noisy, amusing game. In a big house it often takes a long time for everyone to find "Smee". " I finished explaining the game,looking around at them.

"Legend has it,a long time ago this girl and her friends played it. She didnt know her way around the house very well. There was this one door leading to the servants' staircase,but she thought it was to a room. She ran in and fell,breaking her neck in the process. She was never found again until two weeks later by one of the servants. Legend has it,whoever plays the game awakens her spirit and is haunted by her ghost." I said,smirking.

Kristina's eyes slightly widened,looking at me. "Y-you ever played it before?" She asked,looking at me. "No,silly." I said,chuckling. "Oh..." She answered.

"So,who's in?" I asked,looking around at the crew. Ray held his hand up first,smiling proudly. "I ain't scared nigga." Prod raised his next,Prince following him. Kionte raised his,laughing. The girls looked at each other,then nodded,slowly raising their hands.

"Okay then. It's settled. Let the games begin..." I said,smirking.


Most likely another chapter will be up by the end of tonight.~

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