Now Your Tangled In The Great Escape

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"Vic? Vic? are you even listening to me?" hah, No. Of course I wasn't, I was staring at him again but I lied to my brother and said "um,yeah I'm just a bit distracted, sorry bro.."

He could tell I was lying but let it slide, Mike was the only on who knew of my rather large crush on Jaime. I told him everything since we were kids, he always helped the best he could; and I loved him for that. It was so easy to tell Mike how I felt but when it came down to it Jaime was a different story, so I hide how I feel. we were on tour together all of the time it would just make things awkward, and besides there was no way to tell if he felt the same way. Without me realizing my brother had left the room and it was just me and Jaime, it was silent for a few seconds. Then he came over and sat down next to me, for the first time in months of touring we were alone. But my lips were sealed. Better to live with a secret then have to pay for it later. It ended up being Jaime that spoke first.

"hey um, Vic can I be honest with you?" then He paused for a second and waited for me to ansewer. I could tell what was coming, he's seen me staring and it creeps him out, or that he could tell I liked him and to give up? I managed to muster out a, "of course" as I put a reasuring hand on his knee

Jaime started speaking rather softly but I could still hear him clearly.

"Vic" he said so sweetly guhh, I loved his voice "I don't know if I should say this or leave it alone, but I am tired of hiding my feelings. If you don't feel the same way that's fine but I have to tell you, Victor I love you. I don't. know what it is, but something about you just. makes my heart flutter. Just the thought of you will make me smile, the way you write these beautiful songs. I Belive everything about you is truly perfect, and I don't ever want to see you doubt yourself. 'Cause weather you know it or not you make me happy. And I prouble just fucked up our entire friendship by spilling out mt heart.. but I don't care anymore. You have my heart Victor, you always have."

I was in complete shock, did he really feel the same way or was this all some cruel joke? I looked into his eyes he looked so scared and so hopefull all at once. I opened my mouth to answer him, to tell him everything; but then my brother Mike and my band mate Tony walked in. Jaime had a sad look on his face.. even he knew I wouldn't say anything about this while they were here weather I loved him or not

The next few days went by uneventfully, I wanted to talk to Jaime and tell him how I felt but either my brother or Tony were always there. I decided to wait until tomorrow when we finish with our show.

**Jaime's POV**

It had Been two days since I had told Vic how I felt, but he didn't tell me anything back. He wouldn't even start a normal conversation with me now, which I hated. that was my best friend, and I couldn't help but feel like I had messed everything up. I refused to even look Vic in the eyes, and I was definitely not looking forward to our show tomorrow. But I would I would have to suffer through it for the fans. The fans were the best thing in the world, I love how when they meet us the always tell us how much they love us and how we have changed there lives. It just gives the music a purpose and a good reason to do the show even when fucked up shit happens in our daily lives.


hey guys! this is my fuenciado/kellic ♡ if you guys like this story you should go check out my others. please and thank you c:


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