The Thing I Think I Love Will Surely Bring Me Pain

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I could tell Vic was upset, and that he didn't want to talk about it so I thought I would go see our charming little friend Kellin. So I told Vic and he just muttered that he would see me later.I walked over to the sleeping with sirens bus and. knocked on the door.

"Jaime! Hey come on in man!" he exclaimed with a huge smile.

"Hey thanks Kells, so what are you up to?" I asked as I walked onto the bus.

"nothing just sitting around, waiting till the guys get back" he told me happily

"That's awesome" I replied.

"So I don't mean to be rude, but what are you doing here?" He asked.

Then I did something I didn't mean to do, I kissed him. I don't know why I did it. I guess it was becuase Vic was pushing me away. I kissed him and He pulled my head and body closer to his and forced his tongue in my mouth. Moments later I pulled back gasping.

"I'm sorry, I'm really not sure how I feel. But I felt like I needed to do it" I sighed

"Jaime it's fine, but I hope you understand I do have alot of feelings for you but I'm confused and I'm unsure of my feelings, I'm sorry I just need to do some thinking before I get you tangled up in my proublems" he explained.

"I understand I didn't mean to do it" I said sadly.

"Were cool though right?" He asked.

"Yeah but I'm going to go back to my bus, I'll talk to you later kells" I said as I hugged him goodbye.

"Alright if you ever need anything just come by okay, bye Jaime" Kellin offered.

And with that I walked back to the bus, confused and upset. what was I doing? I love Vic. I felt so much for him, So what was I doing kissing Kellin? By the time I got back to the bus I had beaten myself down so much I was crying. I just crawled into my bunk and fell asleep weeping.

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