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-          Marcus

I ran through the streets huffing and puffing. So close, so close I kept thinking over and over in my head. I look up at the moon. Blue. Tonight was the night that I could go back home. I had to get to the building before the moon had set; if not then I would have to spend the next 100 years on this planet. He knew that he would be dead and caught by them by then.

I looked back at my watch “10 more minutes until I will be home. O how long has it been since I have been home I do not remember. But now I am going home and”- a car raced towards him at such speed he was startled. The car was upon him before he knew what to do. Heavy gun fire fired down on me as I had to hide behind a wall to stop from being shot to pieces.

As the car came to a stop I ran like the wind to try and cover some speed. I had been so careful not to be followed and to cover my tracks but it must have not been good enough. The guys in black and white were back in the car and were after me again. Marcus knew that he was only a block away from the apartment building. His watch started to emit a slight glow. The only thing that I have from before. I knew one thing about it, and that was that it was the key.

“Yes” I yell at the top of my voice when I saw the grey door to the apartments. I ran towards them with all the speed I could muster. I look back and see the car is back with friends, all 3 of them soring towards me.

“I’m running out of time” I say running into the apartment. I found the board with the list of rooms.

“3 no, 4 no, 5 no, 6 no, 7 no, 8 yes infinity. That is the room he has been looking for. That is the room where the mirror is. That is home. I run up to the third floor and burst into room 8. I stop where I stand.

The room was full of stuff from the old lady the rented out the room. I am just stunned because I realise for the first time I might be going back home. I snap myself out of it. There was not much time left. I have about 4 minutes until the IK’s storm the room and about 3 before them moon set so time was not really on my side. I started in the bedroom because I hide everything in the bedroom so maybe the old lady did as well. I look under the bed, in the closet, behind the bed frame and nothing. Next the kitchen, the bathroom, the laundry yet nothing. As I stumble into the lounge I see an old looking closest. The moment I put my hand on the handle I am able to feel the magical aura coming from inside. I push the junk away that is blocking the door, open the doors and there it is. The mirror of no reflections.

I could do nothing but ogle at this magical pathway that I have been looking for. I can hear the IK’s running up the stairs on the double. I face my watch towards the mirror and think of the one word that he had wanted to say for a long time “Home”. As I watch the mirror starts to ripping and it looks like slight silver waves catching the light. As the ripples settled a picture of an old house loomed in the distance on a hill. A brick path leads from the front of the house to the back yard. Home.

The door burst open causing the stuff in front of it to go flying cross the room. Men in tight black suits and white masks flooded the room all making a semicircle around me and the cupboard. They all point dull looking submachine guns at me and are ready to fire at any notice. An old man walks into the room with a Cain. He is old but not that old for a Cain I think to myself. He comes within touching distance and stood proud and interested in the events unfolding right in front of him.

“So Marcus, here we both stand” he says in a harsh tone. “You are a fool. You are willing to give the secrets of your world just to satisfy yourself. You can call me PO or P, O if you prefer”

“Yes so here we both stand. And just so you know, you know nothing of my life, you don’t know my story. So don’t talk down on a person that you will never see again. See, I have already got the mirror ready so all I have to do is walk through and I will be home and you will still be here.”

With that I quickly spun around and pushed myself into the mirror just as I heard PO yell fire. A blinding white light erupted from the mirror putting the IK’s aiming off. It was a strange feeling as I stepped through the mirror. It felt like my whole body was being pulled apart and put together at the same time in such a slow motion. It felt like it had gone on forever but the moment it had started it had finished. It was over.

-          PO

20 minutes earlier

“Sir, we have found him. Coming up on screen now” says my assistant

On screen pops up Marcus. He looks tired and lost. Good. That means he will leave tracks. We have been tracking him for a while now but he has always been giving us the slip. “Send a car with 3 men after him”. Within seconds I can hear the car engine spring to life and race off after him. Good, it should take only a few minutes to find him and bring him here.

“Ok I am going after him. Get my Cain and my car ready. I want to be there when we take him down. I swear to god if Marcus gets away I will have all your heads” I say opening the door. The cool night air is refreshing. Quiet. Good, I like it being quiet. I grab my Cain and head to the car.

The drive is pleasant and smooth and the city is quiet. As I pour myself a glass of peno (A very fine glass of champagne) I hear the phone go off.


“Sir we found him but he got away. We fired upon him but he got behind a wall and missed. We got him cornered and we are….. O shit go, go get him you fools. He ran off but we are after him now. You may want to get over here. Sam out.”

“Shit” I scull my first glass and pour another. “This ends tonight”

Our car meets up with the other two and we are patrolling the streets looking for Marcus.

“There, There across the street you morons. Go he just went in the building with the grey door. Go get him. Keep him there till I get there, understand.”

“Yes sir” they all say in unison and run off.

By the time I get up the stair’s the IK’s have got Marcus surrounded.

“So Marcus, here we both stand. You are a fool. You are willing to give the secrets of your world just to satisfy yourself. You can call me PO or P, O if you prefer” I see Marcus standing there tired and dirty. I can see where this is about to lead.

“Yes, so here we do both stand. And just so you know, you know nothing of my life, you don’t know my story. So don’t talk down on a person that you will never see again. See, I have already got the mirror ready so all I have to do is walk through it and I will be home and you will be stuck here.”

With that I see him turn to the mirror, “fire” I yell hoping that it is not to later. I hear unison’s of gunfire but all I can see is white light. I shade my eyes but it doesn’t help. It feels like the light is in my eyes.

The firing stops and it is only now that I am able to open my eyes. The room is a mess. It looks like a tornado of bullets has spread through the house. Marcus is nowhere to be seen. Dam he got away. The mirror, well I should say what mirror. There is nothing left. The frame has just fallen to pieces and the there was no glass anywhere.

“Search the apartment. Any pieces of the mirror that you find give to me.” Pain emits from my leg and as I look down I see blood. “Shit, just what I need. Someone get me a medical kit and make it fast.” As I sit down on a chair I inspect the wound. A clean cut. No from a bullet but from glass.  I stick my finger in to my leg and gasp in pain. “Fuck. I’m too old for this shit.” As I’m about to stop I feel it. The glass, no bigger than a five cent piece. I inspect the fragment of the mirror and see that it still has the slightest ripples in it. It must have been shot off the mirror in the unison of gun fire before Marcus went through. This is it; the time has finally come to move up in this world.

“Men, back to base. We have our own work to do. It seems that we will be seeing Marcus after all.”

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