A new life

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They all dressed in bright colours that in the other world would think you were a nutter but here Marcus in his blue geans and white tank top looked like an outcast. He looked around for Theresa but here everyone look the same. Then he realised that he was still stand in the machine and that there was a line of people wanting to use it. He walked away from the machine and tries to look what it was called. On top of this on was a sign and it said warpa-tron the way of the order. He turned around and saw a flying machine in the sky. It looked like a giant long basket with a cloud were balloon should have been. Theresa was watching Marcus as soon as he had come through the wap as she liked to call it. She did not tell him how to use it because she knew that if he was really her brother than he would come to the right place in which he did. She walked over to him, took his hand and said “follow me. I will answer all of your questions soon but first we have to get you to mum and the others because they will not believe that you are here”. She lead them through a building that looked like a mall but it looked as if they were selling homes in little cubes that glowed and had heaps of line all over them. After a while of sightseeing Theresa had called it they had arrived at a nice old looking blur house. It was the same colour as the moon. “Wait here please” she said. She went in to the plain blue house and Marcus could here yelling inside. There was a crash of something loud and Marcus was about to run in there when Theresa had come out. “ I’m sorry about that but they have been under the wing a little these past few days so I am sorry if the house is a little messy”. Marcus could tell that something was not quite right with the way she spoke but he did not want to say anything. Once inside the house he was he could see that it was not a little messy, it was really messy. It looked as if a bomb had gone off inside here. The walls were peeling and the roof looked as if it was going to give way any second. It was a long corridor and there was no doors just heaps of lines that looked like thick cables. The glowed and beeped and he was wondering if this was the whole house but it could not have been. Theresa had just entered and he said “what happened here”. “Don’t worry, things will become better soon”. She pushed past him and stood in front of a cable. At first his eyes were not quite ready for the sudden light that flooded the corridor. Once his eyes had adjusted to the light he could not believe his eyes. Before him was a giant lounge room. On the far side of the wall was a window that took up the entire wall. In the middle floated a TV, the kitchen was separated by a small bench and wow was it weird looking at the kitchen? It looked like a blank wall but when he stood closer he saw all of the lines that made up all of the cupboards. There was a family sitting on the couch watching TV. He walked over to it quietly and had a closer look. He could see that it was his family. His mum with her bright red hair and lots of freckles. She was wearing a bright green dress that had a lot of lace and a dull pair of pink shoes they looked old and kind of familiar. There was his younger sister Mary, who was sitting by herself reading a book. He was the only guy in the family other that his dad which was not here at the time. Theresa walked in front of the TV and turned it off. The whole family started too grown that there TV was off even though none of them were really watching it but it was always the typical family thing to do. Theresa turned around and said “guys, I know that we have been a little down and that I see that Lucy has been doing some magic in the corridor again. I have found someone in the country side that was lost and that never should have been there. But I have found him now and he will never be lost again. Well that’s what I think anyway. So turn around and have a look at this wonderful person that I know you all desperately have wanted to see”. They all turned around at the same time and they could do nothing but stare. Marcus just looked at the family that he once known. He knew that things had changed in so much and he was wondering if there were going to take him back. “Marcus” his mother said in a happy but sad voice. “What are you doing here and how did you get here? How have you been? God I am just so happy to see you. I never knew that you were coming because I would have cleaned but a bit around here”. “Ok, just sit down and I will tell you my story from what I can remember” Marcus said in a happy voice.

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