Chapter 2

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Cameron's POV

I can't believe that I fell back asleep after my alarm went off at nine. I'm so going to be late! I pick up my backpack and started to shove my math books and paper into my backpack.

I grabbed a bottle of water and an apple out of my mini fridge and then headed out so I could get to the library. It was about three minutes before ten, and the walk is about a ten minute walk.

I just hate being late!

I booked it across campus and finally made it to the library three minutes after ten o'clock.

I walked up the stairs to the third floor and turned to the left and headed over to the study rooms to find study room number 3.

The door to the room is closed so I open it up and walk in. And there sitting at the table is this HOT guy and I mean H-O-T hot. He was so hot that I had to make sure I was not drooling at the sight of him.

I had spent all night thinking about what my new tutor looked liked, but I didn't think he would look anything like his does. I was expecting a nerdy type man who wore glasses and sweater vest, not a man who had what I'm sure is a start of a six pact of abs hiding under his tighly fitted shirt. I wish I had a six pack it would make me look so much sexier than my skinny yet toned build that I have.

He is just so HOT! Ya, I know I said that, but he is. He's hair is short and a few shades darker then my somewhat longer medium colored brown hair. His hair also has what seemed to be streaks of a blond running though-out it as well. He's eyes from where I'm standing look like they are a bright green color when mine are just plain old brown. He also has to be about 6'1 which is only about four more inches taller than me.

It was then that he finally looked up at me, and I swear my mouth almost hit the ground. I'm pretty sure right now that I look like an idiot, but I'm that surprised.

MY NEW MATH TUTOR IS MY HOT LIBRARY GUY! I can't believe this! I have been crushing on him since I meet him the beginning of my freshman year here in college. We both have our own study desks here in the library up on the fourth floor. He sits about three desks down from my desk. I see him almost every night when I go to the library to study.

I wonder if he recognize me.

He is one of the only reasons that I even go to the library to study.

I had found out that I could get more homework done if I went to the computer lab that is in my dorm, but if I did that I wouldn't get to see him anymore. I have such a big crush on him that I didn't think I could handle that. So, I continued to go to the library to study, but I also to watch him from the corner of my eye.

Now, here I am with him sitting right in front of me.

I can't believe this! I finally get a chance to know him better.

I had tried a few times to talk to him, but I always lost my nerve too. I didn't want to seem strange to him.

"Hello, are you Cameron?" he said finally snapping me out of my little dream land.

"Yes, and I take it your Calvin then?" I ask with a questioning tone.

"Yup, that would be me." He seemed to be looking at me very closely and then I look of surprise crossed his face. I guess he recognize me. And he gave me a big wide smile.

God I just love that smile. I have only seen it one other time when he asked me if I had a pencil he could use and then return to me later which reminds me, he has yet to return that pencil. I wonder if I will ever see my personalized rainbow striped pencil again.

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