Dan Pov (obviously)
I quickly accepted the call and waited for skype to load so I could see Phil's beautiful face properly. After a few seconds I saw a raven haired teen enthusiastically waving and smiling into the camera. I stopped breathing for a few seconds and as I finally figured out how to breathe again I mumbled a little "wow"; I just couldn't help it. "Sorry, what did you say?" "Nothing!" I blushed a little, I was glad Phil couldn't see it through my shit quality webcam. We talked about 4 hours and i've never felt so close to someone although he's really far away. We talked about music, his YouTube channel and TV shows and actually flirtet a little bit? I'm not sure because i've never been in a relationship before, but he called me cute and bear and I swear he blushed one or two times. Again, i'm not sure if he flirtet, but I really hope he did. I liked Phil.
pinky promise / phan
Fanfic*thePJ added you to a groupchat* triggers: none, unless stupid memes, extreme gayness and/or sarcasm offend you (another) chatroom AU enjoy