Chapter 6

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hey guys! It's been a while cause of the holiday and everything...

but I'm back!

Here we goo


The first day of the quest went smoothly.

The second day...not so much.

The three had stayed in a small, cheap hotel room for the night.

In the morning, they were back on their feet and getting closer and closer to Virginia.

They had just gotten off of a bus and were now walking to the next city.

"What happens if Hera is there?" Connor asked as he fumbled with his whip.

Katie thought about the idea. There was no way they'd be able to defeat a goddess...nor did they want to.

"Let's hope she isn't," was all Katie said.

They were quiet for a moment longer, then Travis spoke up. "Okay, where in Hades are we?"

They all stopped walking and looked around. All they could see were trees and the road.

Katie shrugged. "We'll just have to keep following the road."

So they did.

That is, until a loud noise from the woods almost scared the pee out of Katie.

They were all frozen. Travis, though, didn't look scared. He looked confused. What was he thinking?

Katie looked at him harder. She had slowly started to see differences between him and Connor. Connor had bigger ears and Travis had a more definite jaw.

Katie snapped back to reality and looked back to the woods.

She forced the bushes and branches to move to the side so she could see what was in there.

A bunny.

It was a bunny that had scared her. She felt pathetic.

She gave a little sigh and turned to continue walking when she realized Connor and Travis were staring at her. Travis had a small, annoying grin on his face and Connor looked completely stunned.

She frowned. What was wrong with them?

Then she realized what she had done. She used her 'Demeter powers' (or whatever) and Connor didn't know about them.

"Oh..." was all she said.

"What was that?" Connor asked.

Katie shrugged and started nervously playing with an arrow.

"It's just, you know..."

"No, I don't know. How did you do that?"

Katie didn't know how to respond. She didn't have to though, because Travis stepped in and said, "Katie has superpowers, man."

Connor raised an eyebrow. "How did you know about this, Travis? You two are dating, aren't you?"

"No!" Katie and Travis both yelled.

Connor smirked. "Alright, alright. I got it, but seriously. How long have you been able to do that?"

Katie shrugged. "Forever, I guess."

"Why haven't you told anyone?"

Katie shrugged again. "I don't know. I guess I just don't want to bring up some prophecy about a strange child of Demeter who move plants with her mind."

Travis Stoll and the gardener - Katie Gardner and the idiotWhere stories live. Discover now