Chapter 16 || Birthday Boy

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||Y/N's Point Of View||

"What should I get him?" I asked Gou.

I felt ashamed that didn't know at all what my boyfriend wanted.

"You could get him this," She shows me a snow globe with a shark.

"I don't know..." I say. It looked really tacky.

I didn't want to get him something tacky for fear he wouldn't like it. And yet I didn't want to get him anything super special for fear he wouldn't like the idea of commitment.

He was the one who gave me that necklace for Christmas though... It had both of our initials inscribed on it. It basically screamed 'committed relationship'.

I loved it so much that I wore it everyday. It reminded me of him. So maybe getting him something special wasn't such a bad thing. Right?

And then my eyes landed on a glass sculpture of a shark. It was beautiful. As I held it in my hand, I read the paper that was attached to it. It said that you could write a little note with it.

I smiled to myself, knowing exactly what I wanted it to say. I brought it up to the cashier and told her what I wanted to be written on it.

"No matter what happens, know I'll always love you. No matter the olympics or not, I'm always going to root for you. You'll always be my number one, Sharky."

It was simply perfect.


All the guys and I were going to have a party at Rin's dorm room, with the help of his roommate and friend Sousuke. It was a surprise party of course, Rin wouldn't want a party unless we didn't tell him.

So we didn't. He was completely oblivious to the fact we were all cooped up inside his tiny dorm room.

"Guys shh!" Nitori, Rin's friend and swim teammate shushed us. We all heard the faint jangling of keys just outside the doorway. It had to have been Rin and Sousuke because Sousuke was distracting him for us.

The door opened to show the two boys who we were expecting. Sousuke turned on the lights and we all screamed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

Rin's face looked shocked. "Look I told you I didn't want nothin'," He pouted.

I giggled as I went to go hug the flushed boy. "Happy birthday!" I wished him as I clung to his shoulders.

He shook his head giving in, "Thanks." As he hugged me back.

I was the first to make sure he got my present.

He eagerly opened the box and ripped off the bow. He carefully took the glass figurine out, examining it.

"It's a shark," He shined a grin, causing the room to erupt in laughter.

"Read the note dummy!" Gou insults her own brother.

Rin scoffs, "Alright, alright....keep your panties on." He takes notice to the note attached and reads it to himself.

"(Y/N)!" He blurts out, grabbing me in a bone crushing hug.

I close my eyes, hugging back. "Do you like it?"

He chuckles, "Yeah. Since when was I Sharky?"

"Well it's kind of what I call you sometimes."

"I've got a nickname?"

I nod my head, "Uh-huh."

"You guys are too much!" Sousuke says.

Rin lets go of me, a longing look in his eyes. And then the gifts from others continue.

I'm glad he liked it.

Twenty minutes later, it was cake time. We had gotten Rin a half chocolate, half vanilla cake. It was decorated in red and black icing and said "Happy Birthday Rin!"

"You guys didn't need to go through all this trouble for me," Rin says.

"Of course we did!" Haru gives a friendly punch in the shoulder to him.

Rin chuckles, turning his attention to the cake. He slices the first piece, which was for him.

"That's a big piece," Gou taunts her brother.

"Yep." He says, "It's my birthday after all."

Rin cuts the rest of the pieces for us, and the cake looked damn good.

We all sat down, telling random stories and laughing as we ate the cake.

"This is good cake," Momo mumbles with a full mouth.

"Mhmm," Nagisa agrees.

"Happy birthday," I whisper to Rin.

He smiles at me, wrapping his arm around me, "I'm lucky to have you, you know that?"

I rest my head on his shoulder, "I'm lucky to have you, too."

Best Friend's Brother : ||Rin Matsuoka x Reader||Where stories live. Discover now