Chapter Three- Christopher Pirks and Hogwarts

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Nico passed out instantly after arrival at the train station. The group found a nice little bench, and, once Nico was all arranged, Hazel fell asleep too. Annabeth and Percy set about the tedious business of finishing off the blue-frosted cookies Sally had packed for them. Paul had helped frost them, so some of them were way over or way under frosted, but they were all edible. 

Once all but the cookies they had mercifully saved for Nico and Hazel were gone, they merely sat, waiting for the train. 

That's when a man walked in front of them and stopped, carrying a duffel bag. He was short, with blonde hair and hazel eyes.

"Sorry, I know we aren't supposed to meet up until the train is about to leave, but I couldn't help but notice the shirts." he gestured to Hazel, Percy, and Annabeth's purple SPQR shirts and Nico's orange Camp Half Blood shirt. "Besides, I've had a change of plans, and I really ought to go as soon as possible." 

"Are you Christopher Pirks?"

"Yes. And I'm sorry for not giving you that much information via letter, but I have more for you guys now." He handed Percy a packet. "And all of the school supplies I gave are already in your dorms. Or, they will be, once you've been sorted. Except for these-" he handed Annabeth the duffel bag. "robes. You'll need to change into them before we get to Hogwarts." he rambled. 

"Uh, sir?" asked Percy, looking up from the packet in his hand. "Thanks for all the help, but why don't you just TELL us all of this on the train? We're all kind of dyslexic, so reading..."

"I know, but I'm not riding the train, I'm apparating to Hogsmeade and walking from there. Trains make me motion sick. Well, apparating also makes me motion sick, but it's not for as long. Anyways, like I said, I really have to go. Sorry I couldn't tell you more. I'll see you kids at Hogwarts. And I know reading is hard, but there's an awful lot of helpful information in that packet. Bye! Oh, and heads up, to get to platform nine and three quarters, go through that wall." he glanced around to see if anyone was looking, then disappeared with a Pop!

Percy and Annabeth shared a glance, then Percy sighed, opened the packet, and began the painful work of reading it. 


Hazel, Percy, Annabeth, and Nico stood on platform nine and three quarters and watched as the train pulled into the station. Hazel, Percy, and Annabeth were already dressed in the robes Christopher had given them. 

Kids began to file onto the train, with calls of "I'll write to you, Mum!" or "See you at Christmas!" and one kid, presumably to a younger sibling, called "Don't you dare touch my room, Kelly!"

They said good bye to Nico, the Annabeth and Percy, filed onto the train. They chose an empty compartment, but with the train quickly filling, they realized someone would have to sit with them. 

"Hey, uh, can I sit with you guys?" asked a boy who looked about a year younger than them. 

Percy tried for a friendly smile and nodded. The boy took a seat next to Hazel. 

"What's you're name?"

"I'm A.J."

"I'm Hazel, that's Percy and that's Annabeth."

A.J nodded, then squinted at their robes. "What house or houses are you guys in?"

The train jerk to a start. Percy was glad for the packet, if it had been hard to read- he wouldn't have understood the question without it. 

"We're American exchange students. We haven't been sorted yet." explained Annabeth.

"Oh." was all A.J said.

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