Chapter Two

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You looked at the pink devil, eyes wide in fear and shock.
"D-Die?" you stammered.
"Mhm! In fact, you were supposed to die in that alleyway! Good thing I thought you were cute!!" he squealed, floating over to you and nuzzling your cheek, his heart shaped tail waving to and fro. You tried to push him away but he simply floated back.
"Aren't you feisty?" he chuckled.

"G-Go away! M-My friend is a Priest and he'll-" Todomatsu put a finger on your lips.
"What'll he do? Wave around a gold paint sprayed stick and tell me to leave while throwing water at me? Puh-lease! Besides, I'm bound to you. Even if I wanted to leave, I can't!" he gave another laugh and sat down in a chair.

"How long do you have to stay?" he asked.

"A day or two I think." you replied, still on edge.

"Hmm.. I think I'll just knock you out until then."

"Wait wha-!" you were cut off by Todomatsu smashing his lips against yours. You felt yourself suddenly become exhausted and tired.
"W-What did you do..." you whimpered before you felt your energy ebb away.
His piercing pink eyes narrowed in satisfaction as you felt your eyelids droop down, and finally shut.


"(Y/N)! Wake up! Wake up or so help me-"
"Ichimatsu stop shaking her!"

You slowly opened your eyes, to see the Matsuno brothers fighting.

"(Y/N)! You're awake! I-BOEH!" Karamatsu was interrupted by Ichimatsu hitting him in the gut.

"We thought you went into a coma. You've been out for three days."

You looked around the room. You tried to sit up to find you could with minimal pain. Where's that stupid devil..
"Wheres Todo-ACK!" you felt wind rush up and out when you tried to say his name. You choked and coughed until you got back to normal.

"Todo-what? Are you okay (Y/N)?" Karamatsu sounded more worried than usual.

"Y-Yeah.. Aren't I supposed to leave today?" you asked.

The brothers nodded their heads.
"We're here to help you to your apartment." Karamatsu said.
"Why can't she stay at our house? It's way closer and-" Ichimatsu leaned in to whisper something to Karamatsu. He nodded and looked back to you.
"(Y/N), my dear-BOEH!" at the word 'dear', Ichimatsu punched his older brother and spoke instead.
"You're staying at our house for the time being. I'll get your stuff from your apartment. Your boss also knows and we were told you'll be on paid leave."
"Do you even have a key to my apartment?" you asked, raisng an eyebrow.
Ichimatsu shuffled uncomfortably and said, "I, um. I know whereyoukeepyouremergencykey." he said quickly.
Blinking, you slowly nodded.

The brothers left you to get dressed and ready to leave. Karamatsu held you steady, but you felt another presence supporting you. Barely visible, and barely there, you would occasionally see the shadow pf a bowlcut man with horns, or the flicking heart shaped tail of the Devil. You were walking to the Matsuno Residence as Ichimatsu got your clothes.


"(Y/N), you'll be using our guest room. Yell if you need anything." Karamatsu said, giving you a tight hug before leaving the room. He wasn't supposed to tend to the church today, so he stayed home with Ichimatsu. Unknown to you, the brothers were watching you secretly through a small hole, a bit on edge about the mark on your neck.

"Kyaaah~! Finally he's gone. To be honest, I thought we were going to your place. Guess not!" said a voice.

The brothers glanced at eachother.
"What was that?" Whispered Karamatsu.
"Shh!" Whispered Ichimatsu.
The two watched the scene unfold.

"Where are you, asshole?!" you said, looking around. You felt someone tapping your shoulder. Whipping around to face him, you saw his adorable face.
Adorable?! No way, he's a devil! you thought to yourself.
"Aww (Y/N)-kun~! So rude to not even say hello!" he squeaked playfully.
"Why couldn't I say your name in the hospital?" you said, your eyes staring into his beautiful pink ones.
Beautiful? No way! If you could, you would slap your brain for thinking that.
"Ah.. its because that guy and his brother were there."
"Ichimatsu and Karamatsu? Why?"
"Ah~! My naive, cute (Y/N)-kun~!" he squealed, cupping your cheeks with both hands.
"Let go of me Todo-ACK!" that sudden wind burst out your throat again, making you hack and cough.
Todomatsu just floated about, enjoying the show.
"Ah~.. Someone must be watching us if you can't say my name~" he said playfully.
"And I think I know who~"

Karamatsu and Ichimatsu looked at each other in horror.

"Now, (Y/N), I won't hurt your little friends if you follow my instructions~!" Todomatsu said, a taunt in his voice.

You glared up at him before hesitatingly nodding.

"Now, I will let you be able to say my name because it's obvious we're being watched~. Now, repeat after me. 'I think Todomatsu-sama is cute!'"

You sent him a glare before coughing.
"I-I th-think-" Todomatsu grabbed your wrists.
"Non, non, non, (Y/N).. No stuttering!~ Try again~" he said with a smirk.

Saying a silent apology in your head you cleared your throat.

Sighing, you started. "I think Todomatsu-sama is cute." you said.

Todomatsu gave an approving nod. "Now, say, 'I want to kiss Todomatsu-sama'!" A devilish grin crept on his face.

You heaved a sigh and said, "I want to kiss Todomatsu-sama."

"Aww? Really? Alright then!" Todomatsu squealed before grabbing your shoulders and kissing your lips roughly, his tongue licking the bottom lip as if asking for entrance.

You couldn't react as you felt energy ebb away, struggling to stand up. You felt tour body drop to the ground, Todomatsu's pink gaze danced with adrenaline.

"Y-You dick!" you stuttered, before passing out on the floor.

"Forbidden" (Devil!Todomatsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now