11: The Demise

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I hiked the 3 miles I ran from the wolf pack with Hunter in my arms. As I walked 2 more miles from my wolf chase, I realized Hunter wasn't going to make it. I lay him down in the snow and started looking for the first aid kit. I will have to do what is necessary by myself. I get out the first aid kit and open it to see what is inside. Inside, there is first-aid kit is:
sterile gauze pads, adhesive tape, adhesive bandages, elastic bandage, a splint, antiseptic wipes, soap, antibiotic ointment, hydrogen peroxide, hydrocortisone cream, extra prescription medications, tweezers, sharp scissors, safety pins, instant cold packs, calamine lotion, alcohol wipes, thermometer, tooth preservation kit, plastic gloves, flashlight and extra batteries, a blanket, and a mouthpiece for doing CPR. I realized first thing is to put Hunter on to the blanket. Next, I put on the gloves. Then, I realized that I didn't know how to do this. I don't know how to fix a huge wound like the one Hunter has. By the time I realized this, Hunter already has red blood overpowering his gray fur. "Only if they taught this in Nature Survival class", I say to myself. Hunter might die of blood loss. I just do what I think by instinct. I get the adhesive tape and tape the wound close. Then I put the adhesive bandage on him. Then I think," How about his veins and arteries. They were badly damaged. How about internal blood loss. How can I not remember that?" I turn around to Hunter but then I realize it is too late. Right next to me is a almost dead Hunter with only about a minute left of his life. As he gives me a tear, his blood runs out. Hunter died next to me of internal blood loss. I do the most respectful thing to do. I dig out a hole of the snow and put his body into it. I bury his body in the snow and make a proper memorial. I finish up and shed some tears, I stand up. I keep calm and carry on. I carry on to the base camp, which is closer than ever.

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