15: The Epilogue

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Two Months Later-

After two months after being rescued, I get on another flight. I foot healed a month ago but I took a rest month from flying. So when I got on that plane, I got on controls. It was my plane. I am flying south to the south tip of South America onto a boat to Antarctica. My plane also went under some repairs after another guy stumbled into it and the mountain rangers identified it. I replaced the transmitter in the first aid kit with my old ham radio in my basement. I am surprised it still works. After getting on the plane and taking off, I feel the feeling of flying again. After passing the equator, I am over the Amazon rainforest. I take a bathroom break and put the plane on auto-pilot. When I get back, I lean back on my chair. Then, the plane turns off. I try to fiddle with the ignition switch and no luck. "Not again", I say and I fall into the Amazon rainforest.

                      The End...Or is it?

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