Chapter 15

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Hey, guys. I'm so sorry for not updating but until Christmas updates are going to be slow as all my work needs to be in December, I don't have much to do but I just want to make sure as I really want to get at least a merit (Grade B), other than that I hope you enjoy this chapter.


"We'll see you in a few days, at WWE," 

I turn around to see my father walking towards me, I send him a sad smile before he pulls me into a hug, he pulls away and moves towards my suitcases, helping me put them in the boot of my car.

I hate leaving my family, even though I see them in WWE, I just hate leaving them. When I was around eighteen years old, I got my first apartment, the apartment in New Jersey and that was one of the hardest days in my life.


Today is the day the day I'm leaving Greenwich so I can live in New Jersey with my new roommate, Emily. She's properly a year older than me but I'm sure. We met through my cheating ex-boyfriend and we met around three or four years ago when that scum bag cheated on me with her best friend.

"Are you excited?" My mom asks as she walks into my room. I smile at her before grabbing another t-shirt, folding it neatly before tidily placing it into my flowery .suitcase. "A little bit... I'm going to miss this place, though," I reply as I start to observe my old room. White and baby blue walls which are covered in new and old posters.

My large cosy bed, which is against one of the coloured walls, in the middle of my room and on top of a white fluffy rug, the bed is covered with a large, soft duvet cover which has the image of a city in black and white, doesn't match the room at all but... oh well, I like it.

But... I definitely going to miss this place especially with the memories it holds, that's properly the saddest bit, I won't be able to make any more memories like the old ones as I won't be visiting as much, I'm definitely going to be here for Christmas though.

I close my suitcase which is full of clothes, I zip up the bag and place it next to the other ones which are filled up with other things from my closet and bathroom. I walk over to my mom, a frown on my face, I wrap my arms around her and hugged her for a few minutes.

I feel a tear roll down my face before I move away from her, I wipe away the tear before I tell her. "I'm going to miss you,"

I watch as my mom smile at me and tells me the same but it's obviously not just her I'm going to miss my other family, my parents, siblings, grandparents, and aunts, uncles and cousins. I'm going to miss them all.

It's not only my family I'm going to miss, though, I will miss my friends, it's sad that I won't be able to see them as much especially when I'm so close to them but I really need to go to Jersey so I can continue my career.

I'm training to be just like my father, uncle and grandfather. A WWE wrestler, when I was younger I used to watch the males wrestle and fell in love with it and since those days, I've wanted to became a WWE wrestler. I was properly around ten when I told my parents about it and my father loved the idea and he's the one that helped me train whilst my mother didn't like the idea and she still doesn't but decided to allow me to do what I want to do.

You're properly wondering why I'm going to New Jersey to continue wrestling, my friend who obviously lives in New Jersey is a trainer and has offered to help me train as none of the WWE wrestlers in the family are available to help train me due to them being busy with WWE, so he is my only option.

I take a deep breath before grabbing two of my suitcases, dragging them down the stairs before pulling them out of the door, placing them behind my small, black car. After my final trip to get the rest of my stuff, I finally have everything I need, I place my large sports bag on the back seats of my car, the bag can't go into the boot for two reasons, there is no room and it is full of my technology, laptop for example.

I wipe away another tear before going over to my sisters who are almost in tears, I get onto my knees and hug them. Yeah I'm definitely going to miss everyone especially my sisters, I've always been close with them, we have some amazing memories here and now I'm leaving and I won't be able to make any more until I return to visit and I definitely will.

I hug the others before I walk towards the car, I open the drivers seat but I didn't get in, I turn to look at my family, I wave goodbye and they all quickly return it before I climb into the drivers seat, turning on the car and driving away, looking out of the window as my family got smaller. 

That was the hardest thing ever.

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