The Problem with Dark Magic

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I jolt awake as the first rays of sun crest over the city that never sleeps. I then recall the previous day's events. New York. Adalene. Raphael. The jet. Latvia.

I roll out of bed and grab my pack. I check to make sure everything else is in it, and make my way to the door. The hall is dimmed, and I quietly make my way to the elevator.

After the elevator drops me in the lobby, I'm greeted by Adalene, Raphael, and a strange man sitting on a couch, awaiting me.

"Bonjour, Liv," Adalene says with a smile.
"Morning, Adalene," I return.
"Miss Olivia," greets Raphael, "This is Charles. He will be your pilot."

Charles is short and stocky, and looks mostly Satyr. He has a lopsided smile and bouncy curls. I nod my head at him.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Ma'am," he says with a thick southern accent.
"A pleasure to meet you, too," I return.
"You should be going, before the air is too congested with traffic," comments Raphael.
"Come, then," Charles says as he stands.

Adalene and I follow him outside, and he opens a taxi door. We climb in, and he hops in the passenger seat.

"So, Olivia," Charles drawls, "Adalene tells me you're going to Latvia. Why the hell are you going to Latvia?"
"Well, you see, sir-"
"Please, call me Charles."
"Alright, Charles. The president has asked to see me."
"What the- the President?"
"Well I'll be darned. Congrats Ma'am."
"Thank you."

We ride the rest of the way to the Tarmac in silence. I like that Charles doesn't make a big deal that I'm Heaven's Dragon. He's one of the very few.

The jet isn't far away. Just outside of the city, sitting in a personal aircraft field. When we reach it, Charles parks in a gravel lot and opens the door for Adalene and I.

We head towards the plane, and step in. The door closes like a spaceship door behind us. Charles makes his way to the cockpit, and Adalene and I head to the cabin.

The cabin is gorgeous, with plush couches and a mini fridge. I lie down on a couch, and and Adalene sits gracefully on one across from me.

"Alright, ladies, time to fly," Charles announces over the intercom as the engines fire up.

We're in the air within seconds. The city sits below us, people looking like specks of dust. Soon the city itself is a dot, and we're headed to Latvia.

"It looks like the flight will be about... Ten hours," Charles announces, "so get comfy."

I groan, and get my blanket out of my pack. A photo of Cameron and I falls out as I spread out the blanket. It's of us, in human form, smiling in front of a waterfall a year ago. It was taken on a school trip to the state park. I quickly stuff it back in before Adalene notices. Thankfully, she is looking through the window.

After a minute, she speaks.

"So, Liv, if you don't mind me asking, what was it like fighting the Hell Beast."

We never fought.

"Pretty anticlimactic, to be honest," I respond.

"Were they that weak?"

She was the strongest person I ever knew.

"No, not so much that as... Gullible."
"So, the rumors are true?"
"What are the rumors?"
"You convinced her you were in love with her, convinced everyone you were in love with her, and then stabbed her in the back."

I loved her more than anything.

"Yes, that is true."
"Wow... You sure are smart Liv."

Killing Cameron was the stupidest decision I ever made.

"You're truly a hero."

I can't do this anymore.

"Adalene... Do you trust me?"
"Of course, Madam."
"Are you sure? Can I trust you?"
"Yes, of course. I am on your side."

I take a deep breath.

"Okay. I did love her. Her name was Cameron. I had been in love with her for years. I figured out she was the Hell Beast, and was devastated. It took her longer to figure out I'm the dragon, the innocent little thing she was. I didn't want to kill her. She took care of me for days. She could have killed me easily. But she didn't. Because she loved me back. I know we were in love. But I was stupid and killed her because I was scared. I held her in my arms while she die. I cried. I loved her so much Adalene. I just want her back."

Adalene is silent for a minute.

"As you Americans say, God Damn," she says, softly.
"Do you still trust me?"
"Yes. You really loved this girl?"
"More than anything. But I can't go back and change what I did."
"That is true, but... Maybe you're forgetting something. There is beastly magic, Liv. I know the dark beasts had many different dark magics... Some we don't even know about. Maybe you could bring her back."
"Adalene... I'm sorry but are you crazy?"

She takes a breath and glances out the window.

"You are too young to know or remember. But there was a scare when I was a small girl. A dark beast had accidentally unleashed a spell on a village, and turned them all into little black cats. The humans were very confused as to why these people just disappeared, but it was cleaned up pretty quickly. But many strange instances throughout history have been caused by a dark beast getting too excited with magic. The disappearances at Roanoke, The dancing plague of 1518, Stonehenge, and the Uffington white horse. All caused by dark magic."

I take a moment to process all that.

"Wow... Why don't we have magic like that?"
"We do, but light beasts have always been too proud to use it. As a collective, we have always preferred brawns over anything else."
"Well, that is true," I smirk.
"Hell, the way you... Eliminated the threat, may have been the most intelligent thing done by a light beast."
"Well... Thanks."
"Of course, Liv."

I roll over to the other side to face the couch as Adalene looks back out the window. I close my eyes and hear Adalene say one last thing.

"Sleep well, Liv. We'll get your love back."

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