I Gus We Have A Plan

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I am too shocked to speak. Augustus glares me down. Cameron always called him Gus.


Gus now looks shocked.

"How did you know that?"

I hesitate.

"Excuse me for a moment."

I hurry out the door. The three look at me, awaiting answers.

"Luke," I begin, "He is already cracking down. He doesn't know who I am. I think I can get more answers out of him if I'm alone. Would all of you mind leaving?"

I pray my lie is convincing enough. Luke smiles pleasantly.

"Of course," he responds, "Come, Charles and Adalene. I'll show you around some more."
"Can Maxwell join us?" Charles asks hurriedly.
"Sure," Luke chuckles.

The three file out the door, leaving Gus and I alone. I reenter the chamber which Gus is in.

"What did you tell them?" He asks.
"Enough," I say,"We need to talk."
"Oh, do we?"
"And why should I trust you."
"Because... we need to work together. There's a lot you need to get caught up on. Yes, I'm Heaven's Dragon. But I'm also Olivia Wood. Do you remember me?"

Gus looks shocked.

"Yes, I... wow. You look different. Worse, if I may. But... Cameron was in love with you! How could you? You lying, deceitful little b-"
"Wait! I can explain."
"Oh can you now?"
"Yes," I sigh.
"Then do it."

So I do. I tell him how I was in love with Cameron and still am, and how I didn't want to kill her, and how I don't want to fight his army. I tell him how I've been holed up for months, hating myself. He nods along, seemingly softening as I continue.

"Alright," he says when I finish,"I believe you."
"Thank you," I sigh with relief.
"So what are you going to do now?"
"I don't know. If I free you, would you help me?"
"With what?"
"Bring Cameron back."

He laughs.

"How the hell would I do that?"
"I... I don't know. It's just that my friend, Adalene, she said the Dark Beasts have magic. She said... maybe I could bring her back."

Gus ponders this for a moment.

"I might be able to help you. My parents were better at magic, but... maybe. I want more than freedom though."
"What else could you want?"
"I want you to help fight against your kind."

I internally groan. When will people realize I hate fighting?

"Alright. Deal," I say.

I nod. I have a feeling I can trust Gus. He wants Cameron back just as badly as I do. And he wants revenge. I don't mind a little revenge.

"How exactly are you getting me out of here?" He asks, interrupting my thoughts.


"Um... I'm not totally sure. The President completely trusts me, so it shouldn't be too hard. Just be ready."
"Fair enough."

I turn to the door, and then pause.

"I'm... really sorry," I say.
"Hey," he says with such force I turn to face him again,"don't be too hard on yourself. Yes, I'm upset you killed Cameron and ya know, my whole family. But... if I was in your position, I probably would have done the same thing. And we can fix this."

I smile at him.

"Thanks," I say, and then leave the room without another word.

I walk towards the button on the wall, and turn back to face Gus. He looks much less menacing now, more relaxed. I give him a little wave before turning the one way glass back on. He continues to look relaxed, the rage in his eyes still flickering but less intense.

I leave the room as fast as I can, and head to the President's office. When I arrive, he is waiting for me.

"Olivia! How did it go?" He asks eagerly.

I pretend to put on a sad face.

"Not as well as I expected. No new information. He said he doesn't trust me in this building. But, he promised more information if I transport him to my personal lair. May I?"
"Hmm... I suppose. If he attempts to escape, can you take him?"
"Of course, I am Heaven's Dragon, after all," I say lightly.
"Haha! Yes, of course," Luke says delightedly.

I smile and nod, awaiting further instructions.

"You may take him tomorrow, at midday," Luke says,"Now, may I show you to your room? Adalene is waiting."
"Of course, sir."

He pops up and hurriedly opens the door for me, leading me out. We turn back the way we originally came to get to the office, and go through another door, which leads us up a few more flights of stairs. Once at the top, I am met with the most stereotypical hotel hallway to ever exist. He leads me three does down to the right, and hands me a key.

"Enjoy, Olivia. I'll be in my office if you need anything".
"Thanks, Luke."

I open the door and step inside. The room is large, with two queen beds and a full bathroom to the side. Adalene is sitting on one of the beds, reading a book. She excitedly puts it down and turns to me.

"Olivia! What happened?" She asks.

I hesitate.

"Can you go get Charles? We have a lot to talk about."

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