(Still in flashback)

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When I was brought back down to the station, I waited for longer than last time, and when the officer I'd saw the night before came in, he sighed. "Okay, so you don't get to decide anymore. You're going to the treatment place." I was sort of in shock, so I didn't have much of a reaction. 

"One of the officers who looked over your files skimmed over some of the important details." He said. He was probably talking about all my mental issues. Depression, anxiety, ADHD, and past suicide attempts. "With all of your background, it's only fair that we send you to Corvallis." I felt like crying, but at the same time, I didn't care. Half of me felt numb, but the other half felt like crying.

No matter what I did, I couldn't get words to come out of my mouth. Finally, I got a question out. "What time will I be leaving?" 

The officer's brown eyes calmed me down. He was hot, and I felt comfortable in his presence, considering the situation. His hands were massive, and his smile was really nice. The officer snapped me out of my trance. "You'll go back home, and have until 5:00 tonight to pack. But, you can't leave the house. You're on house arrest until your transporter arrives." 

Another thirty or so minutes later, I was at home. Going through my closet, I was counting shirts and other clothes. Was there some kind of shirt limit? What were the dress code rules? Are baggy shirts not allowed? Did this place allow skinny jeans, or was there some kind of uniform? 

Eventually, I settled on 7 shirts, 6 band shirts. Metallica, Skillet, Behemoth, Twenty One Pilots, Eminem, and Slipknot. The 7th one was pink and said "death metal" in really girly feminine font. Three pairs of jeans, two black, one blue. The rest was just general socks, underwear, bras, whatever. I only owned two pairs of shoes, and I was wearing one of them. I was wearing my red hi-top Vans. They were old and faded and torn up due to my skateboarding. The other pair was a pair of black hi-top converse, which I didn't skate in.

I had packed my duffel bag with what I needed, plus my guitar and skateboard. There wasn't really anybody I wanted to say goodbye to since I had no friends. Jasper, Thomas, and Vinnie were all just acquaintances. 

My parents barely talked to me while I was home that day. I took my dog, Kuro (pronounced Kudo.) on one last walk. For those who wonder why I named him Kuro, it's pretty simple. It means black in Japanese. And he's a black lab. 

I've been learning Japanese since kindergarten because my parents put me into some bi-lingual program. I just kinda continued it all through my schooling. But, I didn't think they offered it at the place I was going to. 

Kuro and I walked around the whole neighborhood. I didn't want to say goodbye to him. He wouldn't understand where I'd gone, and no matter what I did, I couldn't explain where I was going. I took him into the backyard after the walk and played with him for the last time before I left. Kuro licked my face, and I threw the tennis ball for him. 

When we were worn out, I let him lay down on the couch with me.

Five o'clock came faster than I'd hoped. There was a knock at the door. I felt my heart beat fast and my chest tighten. Kuro ran to the front door. My parents talked to the driver while I held Kuro in my arms. He licked my nose and hands. I giggled, then I began to cry. He licked one of the tears running down my cheek. 

"Magena, it's time to go." My Mom said. I nodded, and put Kuro down. Before I left, I got down on my knees, looked Kuro in the eyes, and told him he was a good boy and that I'd be back soon. He licked my nose. It made me cry more. "Don't make him wait." My Mom said. 

  I hugged my parents, and said goodbye to Kuro. 

In the driveway was a small school bus that had the words "Corvallis Farm Home"on the sides. Getting in, there was an officer in the second seat from the front. Standing up, he told me to put my stuff down in the first seat. Then he cuffed my hands behind me. 

That was the longest hour I've ever experienced. 

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