"The first day is always the hardest."

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That was a staff member knocking on the door, waking me up. I was startled and shot up in bed. For a second, I didn't know where I was and began to freak out. But soon I realized where I was and was disappointed. So it wasn't a dream. I was really here. Not knowing how long I'd slept, getting up wasn't in my favor. Although it was probably in my best interest, considering I was the new kid. And I didn't want to be that new kid who doesn't listen to any of the staff and just is a total dick.

Once or twice, I debated staying in bed, but I did get up. My pillow was still damp from tears, so I could assume that I probably didn't sleep for a healthy amount of time. The floor tiles were cold, and my bare feet were uncomfortably cold, to begin with. Shuffling over to the dresser, I changed into a fresh shirt and jeans. Socks were on my feet so they didn't get frostbite from the antarctic like temperature floor tiles.

I stood in front of the door, not opening it and going out into the hallway. Something was stopping me. I was scared. I was scared of what was beyond this door. Beyond this dark blue door, with the paint chipping off, there was a lot of new experiences. New experiences I wasn't wanting to experience.

I took a deep breath and turned the doorknob. Peeking out into the hallway, nobody else was there except fro a staff member at the end of the hall by the staircase. He was young, maybe 23, wearing a  black Slipknot shirt, blue jeans, and a black jacket. Dirty blonde hair covered his eyes a bit. In his lap was a clipboard that I assumed had the patient's names on it.

He must've seen me looking confused, so he stood up and walked over to me. "Hi, I'm McKai." He smiled. "You're the new girl. What's your name, again?"

"Uh, I'm Magena." I shook his hand. McKai looked over his clipboard. Nodding he checked off my name on the sheet. "Where is everyone else?" I asked, shyly. He pointed downstairs. "breakfast?" I asked. 

"Yep. It's the first room on the left on the main floor." McKai told me. "Better hurry." 

He must've noticed or sensed my absolute fear and anxiety, so he put a hand on my shoulder. "Wait a sec." He picked up the walkie-talkie beside him, and said, "Hey can someone take my position on the second floor?" Someone responded within thirty seconds. "Come on, let's get some breakfast." McKai smiled. 

We walked onto the main floor. The main floor was carpeted, with windows looking out into the backyard of this housing quarter. Once again, those thick plastic sheet things covered each window.  Two sofas were on the all below the windows, facing the stairs.A whiteboard was on the left wall on the other side of a hallway entrance. It had all the patient's names and locations, along with the date, schedule, and main staff. McKai was the main staff today. 

KcKai led me into the "common room", where about 10 other patients were. All of their eyes fell onto me. I felt like I was about to melt or freeze or die. McKai grabbed us both a styrofoam box that you get at restaurants if you want to take your leftovers home. Handing me one, we sat down at the table by the door. 

Opening it, there was scrambled eggs, sausage, hashbrowns and McKai got us both orange juice. It was still steamy. Grabbing a fork and knife, McKai and I ate our breakfast in silence. 

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