Chapter 1

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Steve had finally been located.
A few days ago he'd been captured during his mission to capture the hydra scientist.

The mad scientist had been unsuccessfully trying to recreate the super soldier serum for his own use and to use for hydra's advantage when they take over the world.

The whole team figured that's what the scientist wanted him for, to maybe extract some of the serum and re-create it, but they all new that the serum can't simply be "extracted", in fact, they don't really know anything about it other than the fact it made him all muscly, sped up his metabolism so much pain meds don't work on him, and that he can't get drunk. One thing tony was so surprised yet wasn't when he discovered that.

Anyways, they fought agents, knocked down blockades, downloaded research on hard drives and untied steve from the seat he was unconsciously strapped to.

One single gash across his forehead and a tube sticking out of his arm, sucking out blood to be collected in bags. Tony ripped it out before cutting the thick metal chains around his forearms, shins and abdomen. Bruises where they had been and raw skin in places.

Clint collected the bags containing his teammates blood while Thor knocked the scientist out and flung the middle-aged man over his shoulder.

Natasha stayed behind for when SHIELD came and took all of the agents into their custody. She was basically babysitting a bunch of psychopaths.

She watched them get on the jet and a pale, sleeping steve Rogers being placed on a stretcher. The hatch closed, they took off, she sighed and kicked an agent in the face when he reached to grab her foot.


The blisters and bruises around his forearms, shins and abdomen had already healed and the gash on his forehead was now only a pink scar which had already begun to fade.

"Hey cap." Bruce said from the foot of the bed as he began to regain consciousness.

Squinting against the harshness of the light, he came to opening his eyes and seeing only Bruce and Natasha. He smiled. "Hi..." but groaned when he realized how dry his throat felt.

Natasha heard the harshness of his voice so she got up and filled a plastic cup with water. After handing it to him, she patted his shoulder and sat back down. "What did they do to you?" She asked.

He took a few long chugs of water before responding, "drew my blood, a lot of it I think." He coughed. "They asked a lot of questions about the serum, and starved me." He answered so simply and shrugged.

"That's it?" Bruce asked.

He nodded. "I think so."

"You think so?" Natasha wondered.

"They knocked me out a couple times, I have no idea for how long or what they did to me in that time."

"Well it's been two days since you were taken." Bruce said, just to clarify, receiving a nod from steve before his phone rang and he stepped outside. It was obviously a pretty important call because he didn't come back at all.

An hour later steve got out of the bed and left himself. He was literally fine. They transfused some of his own blood back into him and there was really no medical reason to keep him there. So, he went home.

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