You are my Sunshine

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"The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried.."

Stiles rested his head gently on Derek's shoulders as tears streamed down his freckled face and his hands, shaky as they are, clutched into Derek's blood stained green henley. Derek sang along while stroking Stiles's gel-less hair and rocked them both to the tune. His other hand wrapped around Stiles's waist and gripping the shirt so tight it had ripped. Derek shut his eyes as a tear escaped and fell into Stiles's hair and he leaned his head down slightly to tenderly kiss said hair.

"..You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away.."

Stiles sniffled and lifted his head slightly and shakily began to sing along.

"..I'll always love you and make you happy,
If you will only say the same.
But if you leave me and love another,
You'll regret it all some day:.."

Ashes fell around the two like golden leaves drifting off the trees during fall and landed on the cold, dirt ground. Surrounding the embraced couple were burnt down piles of once laughter filled homes, whatever wood left had turned mostly gray with a touch of black. The trees around have turned the same colors and some had fallen. Far off into the distance the two could hear shouts, shouts meant bad things were coming. They didn't care anymore, couldn't. All they had left was each other, the pack was already dead.

"..You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away.."
The song took on a more soft tone so that they could try to buy themselves more time together. It was pointless to run, all they had left was to accept that they were going to die. Life didn't use to be like this, it was laughter, happiness, pack, and love. It all started when a hunter decided that it was time for the world to know of the supernatural.

"You told me once, dear, you really loved me
And no one else could come between.
But now you've left me and love another;
You have shattered all of my dreams:.."


"Hey Der-bear could you come help me put Talia in the bath? She refuses and I, sadly, do not have you're werewolf strength to make her stay put," Stiles shouted from the bathroom which was right down the hall from the living room where Derek sat watching the news. Derek smiled to himself while he thought about his family. Ten years ago he had nothing, Laura had just died and his life was falling apart, until he met Stiles, the Sarcastic little shit. Derek hated him at first, how could this idiot be able to smile and laugh freely when the world was shit? Back in those days Derek had just want the world to explode and swallow him whole. Overtime he began to realize that hey maybe life wasn't so bad, I mean yeah his family was dead but they wouldn't want him to live his whole life in pain and self hatred. He started to open up to the teen and he came to find that Stiles, even though some days he got on his nerves, was the best thing to ever happen to him. It was actually Stiles who showed Derek that his families death wasn't his fault.
Once senior year hit for Stiles Derek asked him out in the best way possible. Well, so says Stiles, Derek would disagree. You see Derek had planned to show up with a bouquet of lilies, Claudia's favorite flower therefore it's also Stiles's, and a box of bag of three orders of curly fries, however things didn't go as planned. When Derek picked up the flowers from a local flower shop he learned something new and annoying about himself, he was allergic to lilies. Derek just huffed and shoved the flowers into the back of his car as gently as possible and sped down the road sneezing the whole way to the fast food place. Once he arrived he ordered and as the cashier handed his curly fries and chocolate milkshake, Stiles loves chocolate milkshake, over they dropped the bag resulting in a chocolate, greasy mess and since he went through the drive through the same could be said about his car. Luckily they made the whole meal free and gave him more curly fries and another chocolate shake.
When he arrived at Stiles's house he rang the doorbell and wiped his red nose against a clean part of his sleeve. When Stiles opened the door and took one look at Derek he burst out laughing. Derek's face turned a bright red as he turned and started to stomp off until Stiles grabbed his arm and turned him around. Well I mean Derek turned around willingly because there would be no way Stiles could force Derek to move being human and all, but Derek would do anything for this boy so he complied.
"What are you here for Derek? And you better not lie to me, I see your eyebrows doing the thing."

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