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Warning: bad language, violence, and sexual content. please don't read if you're a minor

Me and pep continued walking to a near bar and my feet were aching. I told pep that i accidently cut myself and he pulled out the shard in the middle of the streets where everyone was staring because they thought pep was molesting me or something. I still didn't feel so good either, i already told him that the wound would become infected and i'm still a little freaked out of the fact that pep didn't bring no drugs this time.

We walked for about what seemed like 15 minutes before i noticed that we weren't going to the bar that we always go. "where are you going?" i asked him stopping in my tracks. I was terrified, nothing that we do seemed like the things we always did. He used to just put makeup on me, then take me to this one bar that i know from the back of my head, i flirt on the client that would pay, the client would take me to a room where i would dose him of drug to put him to sleep and undress his shirt to set what he thought we did into an reality. pep would get the money and we get out that's it! but now he put more makeup than usual, smiles and laughs by himself more than usual, and now he's dragging me to some place i don't know.

"Sara move it damn it!"

"i won't move until you tell me where we are going!"

"Calm down sweetie it's just a change scenery. look, look see it's beautiful" he said pointing at a large white and cream building that said hotel in it. "Are you crazy!!" i whispered yelled at him walking backwards. "look! i already told you that he was rich! of course he's not gonna meet us in a bar!" he said pulling me back. "why will he pay so much to have a one night stand!?" i yelled and he stood to think.

"Honestly i don't know"

"okay and let's say i go in there, you don't have the drug so what were you planning to do with me? offer me and then run away with the money so that he would kill me only when he finds that i'm a male? no sir! i'm not going" i said turning around to leave but after two painful steps i felt something thick in the middle of my back and it clicked.

"Taehyung i don't want to do this." He said and i tried to hold my tears back.

"it doesn't have to end like this Taehyung." he said and i raised my hands up slightly still trying to hold back tears

"you gotta understand, this is an offer of money i cannot just pass up Taehyung." he said pointing it at back even harder.

"look it's beneficial for you and me. i get the money and you won't have to deal with this anymore or at least not die in my hands." he said as i started to breathe fast. He walked around me until i saw him face to face. "now don't cry you're going to ruin your mascara and eyeliner." he said pretending to wipe the tear on my cheek. "all you have to do is turn around, look pretty, and walk." he said smiling this time pointing the ruger GP 100 gun in my face. "turn around" he whispered and i did what he told me.

once inside the hotel some people were staring at us. pep guided me to the counter where a foreign lady smiled at us and asked us if we need anything. she had a braided blond hair and she was wearing pure garnet lipstick. After that pep calmly lead me to sit at a table on the back. inside this place the lights were off and i could hardly see the people. Only neon lights showed where it was necessary to look. i could make out people drinking alcohol,talking, and dancing, the radio was blaring with pop and romantic music. i had thought that maybe just maybe i can escape but for me it was too late.

"Here they are!" pep whispered as i kinda saw a man with like five men coming towards our table. "Good evening, thanks for coming". the man said in a weird accent. "Please. let us get out of this place and into a nice peaceful one. you see i can hardly see you."

"Y-yes of course" pep elbowed my rib to signal me to get up. We let the man lead us to a room where there we're hardly anyone around and my feelings of danger grew stronger but how am i going to run with an injured foot and five security guards behind me? i sat on the maroon sofa in the middle of the room and i let pep and the guy talk in private. after three minutes of the five men staring at me and hearing pep whisper and nod they finally stopped, and the guy pep was talking to came forward to me. He bend down to reach my level.

"Hi" he said smirking. i remained shut.

"Not much talkative are you?" he said but i still kept shut.

"mmm yeah." he said getting up, still with that smirk on his face. "My boss will definitely like this one. pepero dad we'll take him" the guy and pep shaked hands, he and the guys including the guards left me alone in this room. The only thing that struck me was the word he said "him?" what 'him'? do they mean me? or is it someone else? if they know i'm a guy there is no need for me to knock them out! Pep was actually trying to sell me off!

I shot myself up from the seat and i tried opening the door pushing back and forth but the door did not open at all. i tried hitting it and calling for help but still the door didn't open. i didn't bother to continue trying because i've seen this scene to much for it to actually work. i tried the window but then i remembered we we're thirteen floors up. There was only one window and one door in this room. The rest was house furniture. Suddenly as i yelled through the window my ankle popped and i fell on the ground groaning.

"A bit noisy here isn't it" the blonde guy came back again alone.

"hi again my little Sara. i'm Dion nice to meet you" he said offering his hand. i only pushed myself against the wall making myself comfortable and rejecting him at the same time.

"okay i understand. This isn't the friendliest meeting is it? i'm really sorry about that." he said smiling at me while nodding his head. "would you like something to drink?" he said.

"Guess not" he told himself after i rolled my eyes. "you know, you are perrrfect! for my boss" he said sitting next to me. "no, don't crawl away i'm just trying to be your friend. i know what you're thinking. you want to knock me out so you can run away"

I looked at him surprised he thought of my plan. "But you can't because first i'm older, uh I have more mafia and fighting skills than you, oh and- and you're injured hahahahaha! so i guess it's time for plan B. what shall it be...um how about beg for your freedom?"

"No way in hell you asshole!"

"aaah so you finally talk huh? soon enough you'll be my boss's sex slave hahahahaah!"

i rolled my eyes and looked over at the door.

"But...i want to play with you first" He said trying to grab my arm.

"STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!" i punched him in the face and he shaked it off like it was nothing. My foot still hurts from the earlier impact so i had to crawl away but he grabbed my legs and pushed me back towards and under him. I yelled for two reasons. to see if anyone came for me and because my foot really hurts when he grabbed it. i kicked him in the stomach making him groan but he was still strong. "LET ME GO!!" I yelled.

"Beg me to stop!"

"Fuck you asshole!" i couldn't punch so i tried kicking him from under. he was making his way to kiss my neck but i was saved by the bell when his phone rang.

"sorry love. gotta take this call" he said leaving the room and i started to sob. i couldn't move my feet because he squeezed it tight. the glass was gone but there was still a hole.

"Please, i want to escape." i said my final pray to god.


ohhhhhhh a never ending nightmare for Taetae. i thought they would finally meet but i guess not. oh well maybe next time. toddles!

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