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"Afterwards the depressed and exhausted male, fragilely laid himself onto his cosy bed while he used one of the pillow cases to clean and dry the puddle of blood on his arm."

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Trigger warning: self harm up ahead! Proceed with caution!

Yoongi's point of view ﻬஐღ

On a bustle morning, I walk towards my school, near to when the first bell rings. A lot of people are out today doing their individual activities such as adults going to work, students walking to school, and store owners opening up their business. There's this one store that opens up around this time and I habitually go inside to buy my breakfast. Today however I have other plans to use my money after school and whatever I choose to buy will be for Taehyung and it will be like a get well present. At the moment I stand on the side walk waiting for the walk sign to flash green. I watch the students racing towards school possibly praying that they don't arrive any tardy than they already are and I think to myself. ' I don't  care about how late I am because my only priority is knowing whether or not Taehyung is coming to school today. ' When I didn't see him and the walk  sign finally flashed a neon green, I started crossing the streets and continued my walk to school.

I enter the building through the main entrance and instantly took the faster route close to my current class. I climb up the stairs and finally step inside the classroom only to earn myself a sharp glare by my teacher.
"  You're late again Yoongi." He says and signals me me to sit down with a tilt to his head. " Sorry sir!" I apologize as charmingly as I could to ease his slight anger towards me. I walk towards my seat of corse looking at the desk behind me where Taehyung usually sits and he isn't there. ' Maybe he went to the men's room.' I think to myself while sitting down. I'll admit that I am getting worried but I bypass the thought since it would not make sense to fret when I don't have enough information. As the teacher explains his lesson, I dig into my bag trying to find my notebook and I took the chance to glance at the back of the classroom where Jungkook sits. He is here indeed, Carrying a mean frown and he isn't afraid to display it. The clock continues moving, the minutes elapse slowly as I wait but Taehyung never shows up. He didn't come to school.

I feel nervous and disappointed that he didn't show up, however I won't let that ruin my plan for after school. Only thing is that I wouldn't know what he likes. That's when a rather mean thought flies inside my mind causing me to grin to myself. I often feel proud at how evil I am. The bell rings indicating that it is time to transfer to the next classroom. The teacher stops and begins organizing his papers for the next class while all of the students stand up from their seats, Including me and Jungkook. I hurry over to him once I finished shoving my notebook inside my bag and then I stand in front of his way. Jungkook doesn't bother to curse nor yell at me but instead he renders me his finest pissed off glare that he can muster. His eyes are so scorching that I expect to get punched again.

" Say, Jungkook I was hoping you could help me out with something." I say with a smug look on my appearance. " what do you want asshole?" Jungkook asks, his voice deepens whenever he's extremely upset. Still I don't allow that to stop my fantasy of hurting him.
"  Well you were Taehyung's dorm mate and I need you to tell me about what he likes. I'm going to buy him something." I explain and wait for his reaction. What I expect, is a more upset Jungkook. I want him jealous, wishing to be me as he's full of envy. But instead he smirks up at my face. " He likes sucking my dick. Go and buy him that." After he said that, Jungkook uses his shoulder to bump and push me out of the way. I am so surprised by what he said that my guard dropped and I was easily  pushed onto one of the desks behind me.
" Hurry it up Yoongi!" My teaches yells forcing me to notice how the second class have already sat. I  say nothing and obey, leaving the class while feeling so angry that I desire punching Jungkook so hard on his face that it gives him a clean cut.

After school ﻬஐღ

It is my last class and I can't wait until I achieve my goals for today. Once the last bell rings I hurry up and sprint out of the classroom. I am the first one out since I packed my things sooner. I run out of the building heading straight to the busy areas where most of my favorites stores are located. When I get there, I enter one that sells a variety of items. I think about taking him out on a date and in mind, watching the stars up close in the night is romantic enough to stir some feelings. I choose a black telescope and buy it for us. I exit that store and enter a different one across the streets. I go inside a sweet place where they sell ice cream and more additional treats, and I buy him a special M&M themed milkshake deal. Once I have that I commence to pace walk back to the dorms.

When I get there in front of Taehyung's dorm I start knocking on his door to have no response. I wait a moment, convincing myself that perhaps he's using the bathroom. I knock once more and again I receive silence. I don't expect him to be there but if I can leave this stuff at his place maybe his mood will still lighten up even if my presence is not there. I try the door knob hoping that it wasn't locked and to my happy surprise the door opens up. I step inside and place the items in the dinner table to then finally notice how most of the lights are on. " Taehyung?" I call out. Why would he or his roommate leave the lights on? Was he in a hurry when he left? And to where?

I find myself sauntering around the dorm, opening up doors to the rooms. The last one to check is the bathroom which has it's door open slightly ajar. So I lightly pushed it open to then end up screaming in fear at the sight before me. " Taehyung!" I shriek as I rush next to his pale and limp body in the floor. He is unconscious with both his arms bleeding angry red blood. " Taehyung please wake up!" I shake his head after placing it on my lap. Hoping he would wake up and when he didn't, I waste no time and pull out my phone from my front pockets and dial the number to the closest hospital. A lady picks up the call and responds with a " Hello, how may I assist you?"

I scream the direction to this place first before introducing the situation as fast as I could. Thankfully she understands and asks me to wait while the ambulance drive over here. My vision blurs from the tears rushing out of my eyes. " Taehyung why?" I whimper still attempting to get any reaction from him. I check his pulse, two fingers against his neck and I release a huff of air from the relieve that he is still alive. Very soon I see a few men enter the bathroom and they lift Taehyung up from the ground and off my lap. They carefully place him inside the ambulance truck and I hop inside, watching with tears as they occupy themselves to  Taehyung's injuries.

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