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Is what my food became for the last 18th minute since i've been staring at it. It looked as if it were calling for me, begging me to have a taste but I stood my guard. I debated in my head for and against it and they both have a very good reason for why I should or shouldn't eat it. I'm so hungry but what if it's poisoned or drugged? I really don't want to risk it. A few more seconds of staring at the chicken soup and my hand automatically moves by itself to grab the silver chopsticks. I picked up a piece of meat and moved it towards my mouth with caution but before my teeth could chew it's wet and chewy texture I throw the meat back on the plate. Sighing and scratching at my wig I remain sitting on the ground with tears threatening my eyes. ' What did I do to get myself in this position?' I question in my head. ' My parents, the hate I received for no reason, pep, Dion, and Jungkook....I even saw someone being shot right in front of me and I think I killed a man. I hear footsteps outside the door and I quickly wipe the tears to leave my face dry before staring at the plain wall in front of me. The door opens and I remain staring at nothing.

"Sara?" I hear Jungkook calling for me so I turn around to face a Brown head with a nervous smile. He walks and sits in front of me eyeing the still full plate he brought me earlier. " You haven't eaten..." he trails off avoiding eye contact. I felt the need to apologize for earlier but I'm not gonna do that, I don't know who this person is.

"Sara weren't you hungry?" He says this time looking at me with "concern" and I bite my lower lip before shaking my head 'no' even though I actually am hungry. Very hungry.

He looks at me with a furrowed eyebrow and He stares wide eyed before something hit him.

"Right, I have forgotten that you think I'm some kind of criminal." He says sarcastically before piking up the chopsticks. " Do you think this is poisoned?" He ask aiming the chopsticks at me and I nod my head. Not gonna lie, I'm going to be honest. He nods his head and eats the piece of meat he grabbed with the chopsticks then he reaches for more and eats it, then a third bite and a fourth. " So as you can see Sara, this is not poisoned." He declared proudly with a smile spread across his face but I refuse to buy it. " You could be immune by it." I mention and his shoulders sag right after and he stares at me in disbelief. " Are you serious?" He says not targeted to anyone in particular but I nod my head anyways. " You really are stubborn." He comments but I don't answer. " What do you want me to do ask everyone to try my soup and see which one dies?" He says still in disbelief and I shake my head 'no' He doesn't have to go that far.

"(Sigh) Anyway, I came to inform you that you might be staying a little longer with me." he says biting his lower lip.

" What do you mean?"

" You and I agreed to let you go when it's safe and your wounds are treated but now it started to rain harder and I don't think it's safe for you to be out there at night again." He says his lips slightly pouting. I then look outside the window to see that it is actually raining and I stay quiet staring at my fingers. I didn't really know what to do. I am ready to leave this person anytime soon but at same time I had to be smart and think. It's raining hard, I have no money nor clothes, I can't walk, and I have no place to go besides the school my 'mother' placed me in. I am in no condition to be going anywhere at all.

" But if you still wanna leave...." He trailed off again.

"No i'll stay." I say hoping i've made the correct decision. He stares at me surprised of my choice. " Okay then if that's your decision. So what will it be? Make your own meal or would you like to order something?"

I never really learned to cook anything besides instant ramen and a ham sandwich so I chose to order pizza. "Pizza...." I spoke shyly and he takes out his phone from his pocket to call. He leaves the room and I can still hear him talking. I hear him hang up and come back with at least three envelopes in his hands. He sits in front of me again. " In 5 minutes they will be here." He informs me and goes off to read one of the unopened envelopes. We stay in silence, me waiting for the pizza and Jungkook mumbling something to himself as he reads until something that he said caught my attention.

" kim Taehyung....." He trails off and I stood up from the table slamming my hands on the wooden table in the process causing Jungkook to jump in fright. That's it i've had enough of this guy.

"How the hell do you know that name?" I yell at him. The boy stares at me wide eyed the words gone from his mouth. " I said where do you know that name?" I repeated my question and this time he shakes his head 'no'

" I don't, I was just reading and that name was there..."

I snatch the envelope from him to confirm it for myself. I see my name there but i still don't understand why it was there or what this means.

"What is this?" I say pointing at the letter.

" I'm getting a new roommate soon and I received that letter so that I could at least know his name." Jungkook explained a frown still present at my sudden outburst. " This is actually supposed to be his room and this is the boy side of the dorms so that means you're not supposed to be here." He continues explaining and I realized that this might be the location of my new school and that I might be sharing a room with this guy. Why him out of every room here! aish!

Anyway how do you know that name Sara?" He turned the tables at me now and I stood here pale as fuck. I didn't know what to say, I screwed myself.

"Um....That's my brother." I quickly said noticing his lost patience. " I thought for a second that you stalked me and my family."

" Oh~ that makes sense, Kim Sara right?.......wait, really? stalk your family?" He says and I shrug my shoulders sitting back down on the floor. The bell rings and Jungkook stands up to answer the door. I hear mumbles coming from outside and my very own stomach growling at the thought of eating Pizza again after a long time. Jungkook comes and stands on the doorway with a large box of pizza on his arms. " Let's eat in the living room." He signals me to come and i stand up from the floor. I follow him around and look at everything that i pass by. This dorm isn't half bad at all except there's too much blue. We reach the living room and I stare in awe at the neatness and the furniture. It was simple, The living room isn't too big nor too small it was just right, Most of the furniture was brown like the couches. Jungkook places the Pizza box on the glass table  and sits on one of the chairs. I sit down on the table ready to dig my hands inside when he gives me permission but i stop midway and frown when i remember i don't have the money for this.

" Take as many as you like." Jungkook said taking his own slice and stopped at one bite when he noticed i still didn't take any. " Please don't tell me you also think i poisoned the pizza?"

" No that's not it."

" Then what is it?"

" I don't have money." I responded mentally cursing myself for leaving my luggage at pep's house.

" What? That's it? Don't worry about it, It's free for you." He says beginning to take another bite of his hot pizza and i look up at him surprised. I've never had anyone treat me this kind before it feels really weird but.....nice.

" T-thank you." I find myself stuttering and lowering my head shyly. I grab the pizza slice feeling it's warmth on my finger tips and i munch on it. It tasted so good i hardly payed attention to anything else and i wanted more. " Can i have another one?" I break the silence and he smiles at me his eyes disappearing, nodding his head. " I'll be back." He said standing up from the chair and walking off to somewhere as my hands are already grabbing another slice. He came back with some clothes and placed them on the table besides the pizza box. " Um...If you'd like you can take a shower here. I don't have female clothes for you so you can wear my pajamas, hopefully it'll fit you." He says chuckling. I nod my head. " I'll go take a shower first and tomorrow if you are ready to leave i can help you look for a place to stay. And if you need a drink, the kitchen is right down the hall." He says before leaving.

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