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"Max, get your arse up before I shoot it!" My brother yelled from downstairs, making me groan and stir furiously in my bed.

"Go fuck yourself!" I yelled back, my eyes opening to the morning light. Yep, definitely a bad idea. "AGGGHHH THE LIIGHT!!!!" I screamed, throwing a pillow over my face.

All of a sudden my door barges open, making me panic and grab my gun on my bedside table and aiming it at the intruder. "Calm down, psycho, just me." My brother, Alex, chuckles, raising his hands up in the air.

"Me? Psycho? Says the gang leader..." I trail off, making him glare at me. I put down the gun and propped myself up on my elbows, waiting for the not-so-polite gang leader to talk.

"Yeah, whatever. We've got a new recruit coming in today, from Brad-whatever in England. Just don't cut his balls off, okay?" He said seriously, making me laugh and snuggle back into my bed. 

"Okay, that was one time, and he was hitting on me." I defended myself, making him laugh back.

"Fine, fine. Gear up, Old lady."

My name is Maxina Roberts... well, Max for short. I'm nineteen years of age. My brother is the leader of the world renowned Gang, Westside.

You know, the downside to being apart of this gang, especially being so highly ranked, is that he-- well, we-- have a lot of enemies. Hell, going out into town can lead into a huge shootout.

Our goal is plain and simple. Drugs and money. However, the down side of that is the authorities. And other gangs, which leads into violence. But hey, some violence here and there never killed anyone, right? Well, actually it killed lots of people... except me cause I'm cool... Whatever, back on track. SHADY'S BACK ON A BRAND NEW TRACK... yeah...

I hopped out my bed and stared at my black walls, taking in my environment. Well, actually, I was stalling. Oh well, same difference.

I walked over to my closet and pulled out my Sleeping with Sirens tank top and black skinny jeans. I shoved on some random black socks and white running shoes with some random purplish lipstick and mascara. (A/N: Outfit on the side! It's not Mila, but oh well.... :])

I grabbed my gun, taser, and knife off of my beside table (Hey, never know when you're going to need them) and stuffed them into my bag, looking out the window for any unknown cars. Thankfully, none... yet.

"I breathe you in with smoke, in the backyard light. We used to laugh until we choked, into the wasted night..." I sang softly as I went down the stairs of my brother and mine house. It was Bulletproof Love by Peirce the Veil, my all time favorite song.

"Yeah, he's coming in today... okay, I'll be sure she comes along... alright man... yeah, see ya then." I heard my brother on the phone, and just as I walk in he hangs up.

"Who was that?" I groggily asked, sitting down on the island table just as he puts down eggs and bacon for me.

"One of the guys, Jacob, you remember him?" Alex asked, sitting down across from me while I nodded in recognition. Yeah, I knew the guy, he laughed at me when I didn't win the carnival game when I was six. But I punched him afterwards, so it's all even I guess. "Okay, well hurry up we need to go."

I finished up my breakfast and stood up, tossing Alex the keys to the Range Rover. He caught them and we walked outside, hands on guns in case of any intruders. However, there was none today. Dammit.

We climbed into the bulletproof car, looking at each other before  driving off. I pulled out a joint from my bag and lit it up, taking a drag before breathing it out into the car. I passed it to my brother, who took a drag and passed it back to me, this pattern going on untill the car was filled with smoke and we were at our destination. No doubt our eyes would be red, but oh well so with the other fucking gang members.

"Let's go." I barked, jumping out of the car and walking into the abandoned building with my weapon/drug bag. "Yo, motherfuckers, we're here!" I shouted out, and at that about thirty members rounded the corners, only the high-ranked ones here, I suppose. 

"Where's the newbie?" Alex called out, making all of them shrug.

"Not here yet." A guy named Dustin explained, making me scoff. Of course, the newbie's late. Typical.

"Well he better get here if he wants to go into initiation." My brother growled, making me snort and ruffle his hair.

"Calm down, Alex. He's a newbie, it's basically tradition that they're late." I chuckled, stepping back and sitting down and a short and stalky barrel.

"Hello?" We heard being called out through the building. All of us automatically stood up and held our guns up to the possible intruder. "It's Zayn Malik, the new recruiter?" He yelled, making me relax a bit more. I heard his interesting English accent ring through the building, making me wonder what he looked like.

"Well hurry up and get here!" Alex roared out, and that was when the newbie turned the corner into our meeting place.




Do ya like it? I dooooo.


Thanks for reading Boo.


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