Initiation Time

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The man rounded the corner, making me and the other girls in the gang stare at him with our mouths dropped open. Let's just say.. we all wanted a peice of that shit. Otherwise known as frickle frackling.

His skin was a dark tanned color, obviously not from the sun. His cheeks and face overall seemed thin and chiselled, and his body thin but muscley at the same time, if you get what I'm saying. He had many tattoos over his body, and as he was in a tank top you could see some sort of... wings, near his collar bones.

"Thank God you finally got here." My friend named Harry grumbled, making me come out of my trance and nod.

"Yeah, definitely took your time, didn't ya?" I said, making the new guy-- Zayn, I think?-- roll his eyes at me. Oh, no he didn't. "Did you just... roll your eyes?" I asked, coming up to him, face to face.

"Yeah, I did." He snarled, making me chuckle at him.

"Well, isn't that funny. Don't you guys find that funny?" I asked, looking around about me. They all nodded there heads, not daring to say a word. "We all find this funny, Zayn, because I'm second in command here, besides my brother. And you better be one hell of a gunny, son, if you want to be in this gang, because that little stunt just lead you to a double overtime initiation. Double the weapons, double the offense, and double the money you have to drag over to my feet. Once your done with that, Zayn, we'll see if you really deserve a spot in here." Once I finished my little speech, I looked the very attractive boy up and down, trying to find any weaknesses in his posture. "And newbie, you better stand up staighter, slouching's a better way for me to kick your balls up to your throat." I snarled. I felt thirty plus pairs of eyes drilling into my skull, but I dared not to look back, trying to find any source of emotion in this man's eyes. None.

"Well, good. Give me the extra stuff. Enough so I actually might break a little tiny sweat, right there." He smirked, leaning into me and tapping on his temple. No one has ever been this foward to me, let alone  has used sarcasm, but I guess I... liked it? It seemed sort of a challenge, and boy was I up for it.

"Great, then. Harry!" I called my friend up to teach the guy some basic stuff. He came up to me and swung an arm around my shoulder, looking down at me.

"Yeah?" He said, raising an eyebrow and grinning like a goofball.

"Teach this guy basic tricks. And don't go into another room, let all of us see. I'm hoping you brought your own gun?" I smirked over to Zayn, who did a smug smile and pulled his shirt up, revealing a gun in the band of his low... low jeans. What a v line...

Wait, what?

"Good. Harry, beat the crap outta the guy." I said, waving them off and going to sit next to my brother on a big couch we stole from one of the other gangs. He fist-bumped me as I sat down.

"Good job. Tough nut to crack, isn't he?" He whispered over to me, winking.

"Yeah, but he better wise up before I cut his balls off." I hissed back, sitting back and watching the fight.

Harry started out by trying to make a swing to the left side of the kid's head, but he easily grabbed onto his arm and punched him in the gut. Still holding onto Harry's right arm, he twisted it and flipped him over onto his back, making him groan in pain.

Just as Zayn turned around with his infamously famous smug smile, Harry flipped over onto his stomach and grabbed Zayn's feet, pulling him down face first into the concrete floor. This lead the whole entire room into abrupt laughter, including me, and while that was happening Zayn was standing up, groaning in pain. His nose was gushing blood and he was pouting, which made the calmer room erupt back into laughter.

"I admit, Zayny-boy, I though you won for a second there, but oh-- oh no!" Harry choked out, making me wipe the under eyelids of my eyes from tears of laughter. "Ah, that was hysterical!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just stop laughing so I can get to the gun part." Zayn grumbled, making me calm down and wipe my eyes again.

"Yeah yeah, of course. Uh..." I trailed off, looking for a target that he couldn't possible get. "Here!" I shouted, finding an abandoned tennis ball from who-knows-where. I grabbed it and looked up at the walled, seeing holes where I could put my feet here and there. It was like a rock-climbing wall, but homemade. "I'll climb up there, hold the ball out, and if you shoot my hand off you're fucking dead!" I said  little too enthusiastically.

"Do a good job, man. She doesn't shit around with that kind of stuff." My brother said, making me turn back and glare at him. I jumped up the wall with the small hole- thingies and stuck my arm out with the ball, holding onto it with my index and thumb.

He held up his gun, which seemed to be a .45 hand gun, and aimed it at my hand, making me smirk. He totally wasn't going to hit the ball. However, what he did was surprise me.

He closed his eyes. His fucking eyes. 


No, I had no idea what the flying reindeer's ass I was doing. But let me tell you, I was so close to loosing my shit when that lady outsmarted me. No one outsmarts the best in the biz.

My eyes were closed, and I was trying so hard to not shoot the gang leader's sister's hand off. Actually, now that I think about it, I'm surprised I didn't intentionally do just that.

She was just so... stubborn. She couldn't be impressed, and apparently neither could that Harry guy, who made my nose gush out blood. I absolutely hated the feeling of being inferior, for I was the leader of a gang in San Francisco, and she was too headstrong to let me have at least one victory in this gang. Hell, I doubted I would get a victory right there, when my blind gun was trained on what was supposed to be the ball.

I pressed  the webbing between my thumb and index onto the safety, unlocking the gun to hear the familiar click. I thought to myself, 'was I really going to risk my gang leader's sister for pride?'. Hell.


I put my finger onto the trigger, trying to build up the tension in the room. "Just shoot already!" Alex said, and his voice seemed to be cloaked in amusement.

That's when I pulled it.

And that's when all hell broke loose.



LOL jk I already know.

How do you guys like this book so far? I know it doesn't seem too like, the whole after-gangy shit, but I swear it'll get better. :)


-M Your friend. :)

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