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*Sophie's P.O.V.* 

 I was about to leap home when Fitz tapped my shoulder.  I whirled around to be met by his gorgeous teal eyes.  My heart fluttered stupidly.  "Hey Sophie, I have really hard homework from the Universe." I gasped. "Really? Me too." I could sense Dex clenching his fists.  "So is it okay I study with you?" I smiled and agreed.  "Havenfield!" I called.  "Everglen!" he shouted.  And we left with Dex looking as if he had to scream. 

     When I got home, I suddenly wondered why Fitz came here.  He could always study with Keefe.  I changed into a white tunic with a woven belt.  I brushed my curly blond and wove a braid around my head like a headband and tied a sloppy bun behind it.   Then, I started taking out my study books and waited for Fitz. 

     I heard a knock on the door.  Fitz was here.

*Fitz's P.O.V.*

     When I got home, I immediately went to my room.  I changed out of my foxfire uniform and into a dark blue tunic.  I ran a hand through my hair and washed my face I was ready to go.  I held my pathfinder up to the light and leaped to Havenfield. 

     I was met at the door with Edaline and she let me inside.  I saw Sophie on sitting on her bed reading a book.  "Sophie." I called.  She looked up from her book and shut it.  "Oh it's you." She jumped off the bed and sat down on her flower-woven carpet. 

    I spilled the contents of my satchel and I picked up the note I saw taped to my locker that morning.  A love note.  

   Dear my sweet Fitz,

          Ever since the day I met you I loved you. 
Every time we pass each other in the halls, my heart beats fast.  Your eyes are beautiful teal pool and when ever I see them, I blush fiery crimson.  Please return my love. 

                                                         -Maya Alvaros

     I scowled at the letter.  Sophie glanced at me, "What?" she asked.  I passed her the letter.  She smiled with every word she read but at the end she scowled.  Just like me.  I scooted closer to her and told her, "I get at least one of these everyday." "Whatever."

     I soon learned that Sophie's photographic memory was very powerful. But there was a reason why I came here in the first place.  A mission to accomplish.  And I had to do it. 

     Unexpectedly, Sophie leaned her head against my shoulder and started writing the answers down to her problems.  And I soon realized why she always blushed when she saw me.  That secret she never told me.  She liked me too.  My mission was to confess.  But I did the most stupid instinctive thing ever.

     I kissed the top of her head.

A.N: Please comment! I've been having serious cases of writers block. 

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