chapter 1

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My heart couldn't stop racing, my toes tingled with anticipation, it was officially my first day of university. I was standing at the extravagant door of MIT university, my younger brother always though i was joining the CIA and MIT actually stood for "murder investigation team." I really missed my family but it was time for me to be independent, 2 of my bothers had already gone to college and one of them was actually in the grade above me in MIT. We were a family of smarty pants as my mom would say, however my sister who was 20 now was more of an artist, she lived in Hawaii with her boyfriend and were living the hippie life together. Sometimes I was jealous of the life she was living, she had gone against what we were raised to do and had left me on my own in a house of 4 boys.

"Blue!!" I heard someone call my name, and very loudly may I add.

As I turned my head searching for the source of the yell I was encased, more like tackled with a hug from Johnny my brother. Before the hater comments arrive, yes my name is blue, it a weird one but when my mom gave birth she looked into my eyes that were almost as clear as the ocean but as bright as the sky and she knew my name would be Blue.

"Johnny" I shouted joining into the tackle of a hug. It had been about a year since I had seen him and boy did I miss him. Johnny wasn't your regular nerdy boy, but he did have the brain of a genius and was currently working with the professors of MIT on a way to create a higher level of holographic telecommunication to be able to talk with people around the world. One of my other older brother's max was more of the nerdy boy he was 26 now and working on a translator device programed into the ear for united nations. The oldest of us all is harry, who is  30 and married with 2 beautiful twin girls,  he was originally a football player who found his love for science later on and applied it to throwing and catching better in the sport. They all live in Maine which is just a little way up from MIT so hopefully I'll get to see my nieces a little more.

"so how was the fight?" john asked.

"it was alright the guy in front of me was huge so I literally had a guy sitting on my lap the whole flight but otherwise good." I chuckled the last part.

"yikes, I seriously don't know why you don't just go first class, I mean we have the money and the roast they serve is so good."

"well unlike most of our family I don't like showing off the money we have and I'm perfectly fine with the chicken or pasta the serve in economy"

I said my head held high. I never liked flaunting money or being treated differently I mean I never said no to a new pair of gorgeous shoes or getting great food at restaurants but otherwise I was a petty grounded person.

"well whatever you say blue, let me show you to your dorm room." Johnny grumbled giving up knowing my argument would win in the end.

On our way to the dorm building we made small talk, catching up on what we have been doing with our lives, he told me about a cute girl he met who is studying mechanical engineering and that all of his friends are going to a big football game against Harvard next weekend if I wanted to join, and how could I possibly say no to hot boys running on a field and smiling their bedazzling smiles.

As I continued walking everywhere around me was buildings from old to new, modern and antique and almost sci-fi looking buildings. In some weird way it felt like home, I always use to hide away in my lab creating different chemicals and testing different ideas. I wasn't a lonely kid, I had great friends and was actually pretty social in high school, but science was my escape I go dream of this other perfect world and stat to make things that could make my dream world a reality. Engineering and science wasn't just a way for me to get in a good college or make my parents proud it was what I loved doing and was truly my passion.

"well here you are, this is where most of the girls live, others rent apartments in town but I think you'll find this to be a lot more fun. Also if you need me I'm just down the street to the left, that's the boy's dorm." Johnny said

"thanks Johnny" I replied a smile on my face giving him a short good bye hug knowing I would be seeing a lot more of him

"it's good to have you here blue, maybe you can party this place up a bit, but don't go getting yourself in trouble okay?" he questioned and I replied with a small not very sincere nod as I thought about all the trouble awaiting me to get into. After all, mixing me and millions of chemicals and resources could never turn out good.

just like that we parted ways, Johnny headed towards his dorm room and i headed up anxious to see what would be waiting.

just like that we parted ways, Johnny headed towards his dorm room and i headed up anxious to see what would be waiting

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MIT ^^

johnny (blues brother) ^^

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johnny (blues brother) ^^

johnny (blues brother) ^^

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blues eyes ^^


HEYY readers so this is my first book, i love writing and i thought this was a fun way to put my ideas on paper. IT IS NOT EDITED. i tend to write really fast and miss all my mistake when i read over and I'm lazy so don't pay attention any mistakes. this is only the first chapter but i hope to see what you all think !!

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