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Summer fades to shades
Of dappled orange red and brown
Days draw in and autumn
Trees wilt, boughs bow
With limbs limp branching
Out in death like claws.

Winter nips within this wind
Raise our collars to our chins,
And look around at rain
Drenched canopy now strewn
Into the muddy ground.

I turn and look away, shun
The winter harsh to come.
Recalling to my mind instead
Days not yet long past.
Days of warm and gentle hums,
Of swaying breezes as leaves
Flutter and furl.
Crows busy to and froing
From garden trees to nest.
Soft the breezes gentle blowing.
Dandelion and elderflowers
follow cherry blossom sunshine showers.

Easy afternoon folk passing through.
Across my private nature scene
Outside my picture frame window.
Barge chugs, softly eases on by
Down the scenic water road.

Now leaves strip slowly from the trees
Leaving summer far behind.
Once proud sunflowers now
Withered and brown.
No easy afternoon folk chugging
Gently passing by my window now.
The last of autumn melts alway
To dusty shades and misty skies
The last of the leaves fall like the rain
As summer dies and Autumn cries
And life's last sigh seeps soft
Into the ground.

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