Chapter One

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[Edited by @burning_ ]

Dedicated to @kaythewriter because shes amazing, both writer and the person herself! (I dedicate  to people a lot haha)

Snowman: Chapter One

The wonderful winter air filled my body with chills and smiles all around. Winter has to be my favorite season, the snow is just beautiful. As for Ryder, she loves the snow and the cold. I'd rather this bad winter over the sun and the beaches. Don't ask me why, I've been like that since day one. Everyone calls me crazy and I don't blame them, sometimes winter just isn’t people’s scenes.

As for many, the time of the year for the crazy Christmas shopping has come to an end and the New Year is uprising. New Year's is more of an adult thing I believe and Christmas is for the little ones. Not many focus on the true meaning of Christmas, so I'm trying my best to keep a low profile on gifts for Ryder and focusing on the birth of Jesus Christ. I might shout crazy but a few gifts for Ryder is good enough and of course, I still let her believe in Santa. A childhood is simply ruined without him. I would know that, wouldn't I.

"Mama, I'm bored." Ryder whined as we walked down the snowy street sidewalks. What a surprise that she'd be bored as I finished the remaining of my visiting to do. I’m almost finished and she's been pretty good today, unlike yesterday.

"We have to go to Erika’s house and then I'll take you for some hot coco, sound good?" I smiled towards my little girl and held her hand tightly. Making sure all my body warmth was in her hand.

Ryder nodded quickly, a little too quickly almost and she skipped alongside me. Never letting go of my tight squeeze on her hand just dragging me along with her skips. The sound of hot coco made my insides melt and I almost tasted it in my mouth. Maybe I could skip out on Erika's…I can't. I told her I would come by to visit her and I don’t want to be rude.

When we finally made it to Erika's house, my fingers were numb and my nose must be red as that reindeer. I could probably pass as him right now. Poor Ryder is probably frozen to the bone since she hardly as any skin as for now. Coats and coats she is covered in, but it’s way too cold for her tiny body. If only I hated the snow and the cold, I would have taken a taxi.

Ryder rushed up to the front door and I boosted her up to knock on the glass part. Erika has zero chance to hear that, so I quickly knocked on the door harder without Ryder noticing. She still seems to hit at the door with her tiny fingers, which is not even enough to cause Erika's dogs to bark.

Without another knock, out came the door and Erika. Including the barking dogs she calls her, "babies". Erika pushed the three dogs back and pulled both of us into the porch, slamming the door shut behind us.

"You two must be frozen to death." She exclaimed and grabbed the blanket she had around her arms, then wrapped it around Ryder's body once her snow clothing was off, which she had thrown on the floor, does she know what a coat rack is?

"Oh, we are." I chuckled and placed my coat on the rack.

"Would you like anything to drink?" She asked and walked to the kitchen, both Ryder and I following along. "Wine, beer, coffee, tea..?"

"Coffee is good," I smiled and thanked her with a nod. She walked to the coffee machine and started it up, taking two mugs from the cabinet. "How was your Jewish holiday?"

"Hun, we've been friends for years and you still don't know the name of my holiday." Erika sheepishly laughed and passed me over a coffee mug filled with coffee goodness. "The only reason why I know of Christmas is because everyone in this damn city celebrates it."

A small laugh escaped my lips and I placed the coffee down in front of me. There’s not much to talk about anymore since I saw her not long ago and we've already spoken about our holiday. My eyes were now glued on the only window that sits in this kitchen and it's in the front of the house. Seeing the few cars pass for this busy holiday visiting friends and family.

Once I finished my coffee and Ryder was tired, we said our goodbyes to Erika. Forbidding until tomorrow or the next day when we'll see her again. Instead of taking Erika's offer of her driving us back home, I decided its best for us to walk back.

"Mama?" Ryder mumbled and dragged down on my arm. I looked down and she was smiling widely, with snowflakes covering her hair.

"Yes honey?" I replied sweetly, wondering what she could possible say, most probably something to do with the hot coco or the fact that the snow was falling thickly.

"Can we make a snowman tomorrow?"

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